aaronpkmichellejl: started working on a database for her new projects page and website, got things set up but was then struggling with the SQL. got tables mapped out and knows what she needs to do, and now just needs to write the SQL for it.
aaronpkaaronpk: I was originally going to fix a bug in my site, but was inspired by the discussion of people here writing blog posts, so i decided to write a blog post tonight instead
aaronpk... i thought i would be going into the technical details of how I made it work, but started writing about the background, and why i wanted it, and the security aspects of it. and that turned into a longp ost
aaronpkmichael: researching existing portfolio websites of people he knew to get inspirations for his own site and looking at which technologies they use
clintpat_I am interested in migrating my website using Known to p3k. My primary reason is to have content in a directory structure not a database. p3k is not available as an entire ready to use package. I would have to combine the components to make something that works, and I do not know how to code or what would be missing. Is there somewhere I would start that would enable me to make a step by step guide for this to share?
aaronpkp3k is pretty hand-rolled right now, mostly a collection of small libraries, but the file-storage aspects of it aren't actually published as libraries yet
clintpat_!tell chrisaldrich your permalinks are giving me infinite redirect loops with no content. Safari on macOS. Safari masquerade as Firefox or chrome on macOS is the same. Firefox on macOS - no. Once I successfully load the page in Firefox on macOS, the page subsequently loads in Safari or Safari masquerading as other browsers.
renemSince I'm fairly new to this game, may I ask if it's the correct approach to format a blog post as "bookmark-of" and the u-url when I write a short comment with a quote from that post on my own site? Or would a "repost-of" the better way around this? Example is this post from me today: https://renem.net/post/2017-09-14-steve-jobs-eroffnet-noch-einmal-eine-keynote/
renemSo the classical linkblog would use h-cite? Thought more of bookmark or repost. But thanks for clarification. Had looked for "quote-of" but didn't thought about cite tag
aaronpkthere hasn't been much consuming use cases around markup for that yet, so the quote idea is still relatively unspecified. there are some more details here https://indieweb.org/quotation
eli_oat1, snarfed, KevinMarks_, [kevinmarks], KevinMarks, leg, pl_, tbbrown, KartikPrabhu and eli_oat joined the channel