#[eddie]Regarding the slack conversation earlier today. I also have a private slack for me that provides website notifications and allows for Jekyll rebuild via slash command
snarfed, renem, mblaney, wolftune, eli_oat, EmreSokullu, cdchapman, cweiske, taravancil, bergie, mbrock, nikivi, nitot and omxs joined the channel
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#oodaniIt looks like Woodwind caches h-feed properties - how long's it do that for? I tried subscribing it to my homepage, and discovered in the process that the name for my homepage feed was being inferred to be a big chunk of text from my most recent entry. So I fixed that, but Woodwind's still showing the same long name.
#jeremycherfas!tell zegnat, sknebel I'm not sure I understand what is necessary to install the Mumble client. Is it just a question of going to voice.sknebel.net and logging into that.
#sknebeljeremycherfas: at voice.sknebel.net there is a web based client, but Mumble primarily is used through client applications (which e.g. have better audio settings, and are better tested) you can get from https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page
#Loqisknebel: jeremycherfas left you a message 2 minutes ago: I'm not sure I understand what is necessary to install the Mumble client. Is it just a question of going to voice.sknebel.net and logging into that.
#jeremycherfasAh, right. So I need to download from there and set up. Is there a testing facility, as there is in Skype.
#LoqiWebSub (previously known as PubSubHubbub or PuSH, and briefly PubSub) is a notification-based protocol for web publishing and subscribing to streams and legacy feed files in real time https://indieweb.org/WebSub
eli_oat joined the channel
#oodaniRight, I know about WebSub, but Woodwind has definitely polled my homepage h-feed again since I fixed the feed name, since it managed to retrieve the new entry?
hs0ucy joined the channel
#sknebeloodani: you can try unsubscribing and resubscribing from the feed, maybe that resets it?
nitot joined the channel
#oodaniTried that, it doesn't. Oddly enough, when woodwind.xyz/subscribe lists the feeds on my homepage (h-feed and Atom) so I can pick one to subscribe to, it *does* show the updated feed name. But on actually subscribing it's still wrong.
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#[manton]Morning everyone. I'm starting a beta test for the Mac app for Micro.blog. It can post via the Micropub API! If you're running 10.13 High Sierra and want to give it a try with your site, it's available here: http://help.micro.blog/2017/mac-version/
#[manton]I was wondering about that too. The other posting options from the Mac that I know about are browser extensions.
#skippywhat about that app requires High Sierra? I'm on plain ol' Sierra: will it not work at all?
#aaronpkit uses some new APIs in 10.13 apparently. i haven't updated yet and the app just has a little grey line through it when I download it
#[manton]Yeah, sorry, it won't launch on anything before High Sierra. I may reconsider this, but I also have limited resources to test fully on previous systems. Trying to keep things as simple as possible.
#[manton]I know it's a little early to require High Sierra, but I think long-term it is probably the right decision for this app.
#aaronpkyeah everyone will upgrade soon enough anyway. apple does a good job of getting updates actually rolled out to people.
#skippyand then corporate IT slows it all down to make sure all the VPN and other stuff works correctly. :) Not sure when I'll be updating to High Sierras.
#aaronpki was thinking about leaving fulln contents on my home page
#sknebelunless I know what I'm looking for (and if I know that, I'll try to use a search engine or your site search), a list of titles means I have to click/open in new tab a large percentage of those links anyways, instead of just being able to scroll past them. If they really are long, a (few) teaser paragraph(s) are even better than full text.
#oodaniOh wow. I just figured out why Woodwind was keeping my old, incorrect h-feed name: it's because Woodwind lets you *customise* the feed name, so obviously it was treating that incorrect name as a customised one rather than overwriting it with the new official name.
#LoqiA summary is short text that conveys a post's main point(s), or a plain text equivalent for kinds of posts like likes and RSVPs that use other properties to convey their meaning https://indieweb.org/summary
#snarfedah ok. feel free to replace excerpt with a redirect there