#indieweb 2017-12-21

2017-12-21 UTC
[miklb] joined the channel
yeah, I looked at a MB Pro like 3 weeks ago randomly for sale and now I get notifications of “similar items” 😞
what does Facebook consider to be "similar" to a MB Pro?
other electronics from what I could tell. I don’t get push notifications, have those all turned off, but big red notice on the marketplace icon and when I tap it it shows me pics of laptops and stuff. I avoid FB for the most part.
wolftune, leg, jackivan88, krup, botka1, j12t, BrAsS_mOnKeY, tommorris_, renem, krup_, daf, ludovicchabant, _6a68, jonnybarnes, dansup, Leeky, raucao and gRegorLove joined the channel
what is Minimal Reader?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Minimal Reader" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Minimal Reader is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Minimal Reader was a [[feed reader]] that shut down 2017-12-15 https://minimalreader.com
wolftune, [miklb], [chrisaldrich], curve25519, renem, toomim[m], dietricha__, snarfed, badtuple, cdchapman, raucao, [mrkrndvs], deathrow1, krup, matthewtrask, prtksxna, tommorris, kapowaz, jimpick, barpthewire, Zegnat, cweiske, KevinMarks, pindonga, gRegorLove, nitot, KevinMarks_, wilfredh and nitot_ joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Top Data Sources for Journalists in 2018 (350 + Sources)" by Shishir on 2017-12-21 http://www.stateofdigitalpublishing.com/insights/top-data-sources-for-journalists-in-2018-350-sources/
good morning indieweb!
KevinMarks_, adactio, KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
Seeing https://stripe.ian.sh/ do the rounds. Interesting web experiment that shows the importance of browsers showing URLs. On Safari (where URLs are hidden for EV Cert websites) it looks like you are on Stripe’s website!
Rev_Illo and nitot joined the channel
@Meyermit_ey @netzpolitik @larsklingbeil Analaoge Bürgersprechstunden finden doch auch im öffentlichen Raum statt. Nicht in den Büros einer Firma, dessen Kunde man zuvor werden muss. https://indieweb.org + Suche benutzen, z. B. "whatsapp", "chat" - im Mai @IndieWebCampDE in Düsseldorf. #indieweb
Rev_Illo joined the channel
I am now tempted to build a website no wider than 640px https://twitter.com/GIFmodel/status/456761420319686656
Jeena, nitot, KevinMarks, eli_oat, barpthewire and nitot_ joined the channel
[superfeedr] "Experiments with Instagram and WordPress" by Khürt Williams on 2017-12-21 https://tracking.feedpress.it/link/1771/7800492
Experiments with Instagram and WordPress #IndieWeb #Manual #POSSE (https://islandinthenet.com/instagram-wordpress/)
treora, nitot, wolftune, [miklb] and Scott2 joined the channel
[kevinmarks], friedcell, vivus, gRegorLove_, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, KartikPrabhu and [miklb] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Whoa, Zegnat. I didn't realize that collision was possible with EV https. Crazy.
KevinMarks, j12t and cdchapman joined the channel
Yep, apparently it is up to cert issuers to know what names are phishing targets and self regulate. Which, obviously, does not hold.
and of course, just because a company is a phishing target doesn't mean a second legitimate company with the same name can't exist
raretrack, KevinMarks, KartikPrabhu, nitot, tanlaan, [eddie], tmcw[m] and sl007 joined the channel
Reading the JSON Hyper Schema spec. draft 7 - after a lot of confusion caused by draft 5 and 6 - much better https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema-hyperschema-00
nitot, funwhilelost, cdchapman, cweiske, snarfed, jackivan88, j12t_, KevinMarks and sgreger joined the channel