2018-01-14 UTC
# 00:17 Guerillero KartikPrabhu: Age + reactions + Verified Status + number of followers
[miklb] joined the channel
# 00:43 Loqi Comments are displayed in the context of an original post, and may be a mix of syndicated reply posts from other sites received via Webmention, as well as locally created comments https://indieweb.org/comments
tantek and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
cdchapman, tantek, cweiske_ and [joe]1 joined the channel
# 02:30 Loqi [Joe Gregorio] One Million Webmentions
renem and eli_oat joined the channel
wolftune, Rev_Illo, tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 04:43 Loqi joe has 1 karma in this channel (3 overall)
tantek, jjuran, deathrow1, friedcell, cdchapman, [eddie], nitot and pindonga joined the channel; krup left the channel
barpthewire, caladrius, catsup, iasai, Pierre-O and tomasparks joined the channel
barpthewire joined the channel
jeremycherfas joined the channel
cdchapman joined the channel
[colinwalker] joined the channel
# 11:59 Loqi Universal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/UGT
# 11:59 Loqi zegnat has 82 karma in this channel (168 overall)
# 12:00 tomasparks I have group thoughts, I would like to get off my chest, but they are self incriminating, i wondering what is the best way to post them on my website
# 12:01 Zegnat Oh, Superfeedr beat my feed reader to the punch.
# 12:10 tomasparks i looked at private post,I felt it was not suitable, the methods i can think of are Encryption or Steganography
# 12:12 Zegnat Wouldn’t encryption just be another form of private post? Except that everyone can request the encrypted version.
# 12:21 Zegnat If you have any ideas on how you would allow people to decrypt in an easy way, do document on the private post page, tomasparks :)
# 12:24 tomasparks i know there are js libraries for decryption, but i dont want to go down that path
# 12:25 tomasparks also i cant post to indieweb wiki yet
# 12:33 Zegnat Oh, right, because we are apparently blocking GitHub hosted websites.
# 12:35 Zegnat I have conflicted feelings about that, because the list of hostnames to block becomes a little arbitrary, but that link shows the current limitations
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:11 aaronpk "Blocked hosts" sounds like hosting providers that are blocked which is not what's happening
# 13:11 aaronpk "Blocked subdomains" is clearer, other than that I like the page
# 13:12 Zegnat I was going between domains/hosts/hostnames. Domains seemed to all-encompassing and hostnames to jargony.
# 13:12 aaronpk "Subdomains" also hints at the solution being to get a real domain
# 13:14 aaronpk To be clear, we are not blocking github hosted sites. We are blocking github.io identities. You can certainly host your website on github as long as you have your own domain name.
# 13:15 aaronpk tomasparks: out of curiosity, what's stopping you from getting a domain name?
# 13:16 aaronpk Zegnat: good enough to start with, we can always change it later :-)
# 13:19 tomasparks aaronpk: Re: domain I have not got around to it, its on my todo list
[colinwalker], botka, friedcell and gkbrk joined the channel
# 14:49 dgold Zegnat: yes, that page makes a lot of sense
# 14:49 dgold i honestly wouldn't have understood what was meant
friedcell1, hs0ucy_, calumryan, nitot, yar, barpthewire, [miklb], [kevinmarks], curve25519, randomstranger, wolftune, gman, Elephante and snarfed joined the channel
gayboi, snarfed, eli_oat and [colinwalker] joined the channel
snarfed and sl007 joined the channel
# 18:47 GWG I think someone needs to get into that conversation. Not sure its me
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:56 dgold GWG: I feel the same; again, not the best person to do so
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:02 aaronpk not really sure what he's referring to, "IndieWeb Auth" is not a term we've ever used
# 19:02 jjuran “Way to be open and inclusive, guys!” <— Sounds like trolling.
# 19:05 aaronpk I don't really have the patience for that kind of negativity. I'm just going to stop replying to him.
# 19:06 dgold he has very strong antipathy for indieweb-type things
snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
# 19:15 Zegnat “IndieWeb Auth” just goes to show that it isn’t clear to people yet that IndieWeb doesn’t have 1 true way of authentication.
# 19:15 Zegnat And different people have been implementing different things for different use-cases (IndieAuth, RelMeAuth, ...)
snarfed and jgee joined the channel
# 19:30 [kevinmarks] Not sure if normal people can figure out links, yet assumes they can deal with dns?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
mud joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
hs0ucy_, snarfed, eli_oat and chrisaldrich joined the channel
nitot_ joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
georgredaxo, redaxo_schorsch, pierrolunaire, [jeremycherfas], j12t, snarfed and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Elephante, aaronpk_, aaronpk, chimo, redaxo_schorsch and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 23:03 sknebel was there actual examples of late delivery in the source, or just that likes appear bit by bit (e.g. because ppl only see/like thepost later)?
# 23:05 aaronpk My understanding was people were seeing the notification clustering
snarfed, [miklb] and pierrolunaire joined the channel