jgmac1106[kevinmarks] I was thinking we would donwload all your Known data and upload to a new instance if you want to get on a current build if you don’t hear about shared hosting updates
[smerrill]This may be a dumb question, but how does Indigenous for iOS put photos into posts? When I draft a message and select a photo to add, it puts the thumbnail at the bottom, with no visual indication of where in the post that photo will be inserted.
[eddie]It creates photo posts not articles. A photo post has the photo as a separate element from the content, whereas an article with a photo embedded has the html of the photo reference inside the content.
[smerrill]The frustration that is IndieWeb: indigenous doesn’t so photos in articles. Quill doesn’t syndicate articles. I’ll have to look at micropublish.net again and see what one thing it’s missing. Ha!
[eddie]Also I hope to get the photos into articles within Indigenous at some point. Just a trickier UI issue in iOS with how it deals with text vs. images. But definitely possible as seen in apps like Pages, Ulysses, etc.
[eddie]Gotcha. One trick that you might want to add into your Micropub endpoint I look for "+targetNickname" in my content and if it's there I use that to add syndication as well
[eddie]It sends the content as text as opposed to HTML, so it's up to the micropub endpoint how it treats it. Mine takes plain text and uses it as Markdown.
jgmac1106yeah jealous. I tried hard to find the travel cash, but couldn’t get it done….thinking Austin might be my next and thinqlab at University of Denver wants to plan one with me…so need to figure that out
jgmac1106yeah and with a class schedule and doing travel reimbursements I can’t say I might travel this day or that, but thank you…Next Year….been trying to get to Berlin for awhile