ZegnatOh, I wish I had stored a list of all those articles saying “do not run your own sign-on, depend on parties like Facebook because they got security taken care of”
[kimberlyhirsh]Was playing with [chrisaldrich]'s BookMention idea and downloaded the Google Play Books Google Docs export of my notes on a book as HTML and boy is that code hideous.
[kimberlyhirsh]That helped some, but there are still a thousand unnecessary tables. I downloaded as txt and that was beautiful and clean but lost some of the clarity of relationships, for example, between the date the note was taken and the date itself.
[chrisaldrich]I wonder if running text like this through postmatics readability code might help? I think that's what [cleverdevil] does for some of the flow on indiepaper
chrisaldrich[kimberlyhirsh] several of the Hypothes.is team are very indieweb friendly and have been to camps in the past, so if you have ideas or questions, they're definitely open.
chrisaldrichsomewhere on my ever-growing list I have a mini project to mock up microformats for their site as an example so that they can add the right ones in the appropriate places
[deeden], aalmazan, [kenbauer] and [eddie] joined the channel
chrisaldrichI'll add it to the events page in just a second, but Reclaim Hosting is doing Domains 2019 in early June in North Carolina and has a specific IndieWeb section! https://domains.reclaimhosting.com/
[kimberlyhirsh]I hate that I missed the CFP too. It's exactly at the intersection of my & my husband's work. I doubt I can convince him to go if he's not presenting but maybe I can since it's a hometown thing...
chrisaldrich[kimberlyhirsch] As I look at your husband's domain name, I can't help but think that I just got my ALA renewal this morning and I'd originally got it in part to test out their free WordPress accounts.
LoqiOER is an acronym for open educational resources which are educational resources, including courses, lessons, and other media or materials used for learning purposes https://indieweb.org/OER
snarfed, [jackjamieson] and [kenbauer] joined the channel