snarfed!tell kimberlyhirsh re that bridgy twitter publish error, your post has an extra mf2 photo property pointing to the permalink. i haven't figured out where yet, but see , the second photo value in the main entry points to the post URL itself, which is the problem
gRegorLove!tell kimberlyhirsh the extra u-photo appears to be coming from the shoutbox widget. There's a `<span class="u-photo">` that's used to display an avatar via CSS but has no content. That u-photo class should be removed there, probably.
Loqi[kimberlyhirsh]: snarfed left you a message 7 hours, 19 minutes ago: re that bridgy twitter publish error, your post has an extra mf2 photo property pointing to the permalink. i haven't figured out where yet, but see , the second photo value in the main entry points to the post URL itself, which is the problem
Loqi[kimberlyhirsh]: gRegorLove left you a message 6 hours, 45 minutes ago: the extra u-photo appears to be coming from the shoutbox widget. There's a `<span class="u-photo">` that's used to display an avatar via CSS but has no content. That u-photo class should be removed there, probably.
ingoogniWhat triggered me to search a bit more was on the that they use Signal that is rather closed. Isso isn't something that can be used with most site hosts. The authentication stuff is still something I don't understand.
Loqi[[tantek]] Salt[m] gradschool can be tough! Do you get summer off at least? Perhaps you can join us at IndieWeb Summit in Portland at the end of June?