[fluffy]Huh, interesting. Does the IRC server have some funky extension to allow that? I’m way out of touch on what the IRC protocol folks have been doing, admittedly.
Zegnat[fluffy]: no, I think the server just spins up several IRC connections. They are cheap, and IRC does not usually block concurrent connections coming from the same place
[fluffy](of course back when I used IRC regularly, having more than a few connections from a single IP address would often trigger an instant k-line, but that’s dating me even further…)
[fluffy]like from what I can tell on the screenshot, the webchat version of myself has a nickname of `[fluffy]` which I wasn’t aware was a valid IRC nickname.
ZegnatAh, that, several IRC servers allow the square brackets actually. The IndieWeb system just uses it to lessen the chance of stepping on registered nicks
sl007jalcine - saw the link recommendations - about 'Scuttlebut' :: It is currently (ep. 14) featured in this nice podcast https://librelounge.org – all the last 4 episodes are very nice. 11 is also featuring the indieweb Vlissingen week …
ZegnatAre star ratings still winning though? Wasn’t one of the reasons Netflix did away with them because they noticed people actually tended to just do 1 and 5?
ZegnatUgh, now I want to start storing screenshots of all such ui elements and what shows when you hover them so I do not need to go trawling the internet for a screenshot of old-reddit
ZegnatThat sounds more like you want to own a +1 / -1 response than an actual vote of some kind. Especially since context is important. A -1 may not mean you disliked the thing that was linked to, just didn’t think the link itself was aproriate for the agregator
Zegnatvotelinks make that a little murky. Should that be a vote against the reddit post? A vote for the post it links to? Neither of those seem like the full intent of a downvote on reddit
sknebeljalcine: one interpretation: the like is of the content, the aggregate is something along the lines of a syndication? (But arguably not the same)
[tantek]If you’re trying to mirror anything behind RSVP posts, please first look at just how much research (on mf wiki, IndieWeb wiki) it took to (and iteration over time) to make that happen.
[tantek]It was one of the harder new properties and sets of values we introduced and took a lot of work to get “right” (and there’s still more features people want! /rsvp#Brainstorming
[tantek]Coming up with a discrete set of values for a property for a format is a very hard thing to do well, only do it if it is absolutely necessary for well known and already established publishing/consuming use-cases
[tantek](And then expect it to take at least months and more likely a year+ based on past successful examples)
snarfed, seekr, [jgmac1106], [jeffperry], PatrickMNiedziel, [chrisaldrich], jonnybarnes, aalmazan, wolftune, leg and NotFBI joined the channel; aalmazan and leg left the channel