lza1the nature of it seems to be only a one-time notification/update - is it on the operator of a site with webmentions to store the webmentions persistently?
[aaronpk]I suppose if there was some global search engine that you could search for links to your site then you could re-send them if you wanted. Too bad google doesn't really work like that anymore
[jgmac1106]still think it has to begin with micro efforts at the local news, one new silo to replace the old one just leads to some pigs being more equal than others
[jgmac1106]like I would love if my local newspaper (a tiny for profit just relaunched and making money) offered some kind of hosting to subscribers or businesses, its the facebook marketplace page that matters for revenue....forget trying to sustain oneself on CPM..fool's gold
[Rose]I find that interesting, in my circle of friends a bunch of us don't actually check the news - there's too much negativity and if something is really important we'll find out another way anyway.
[jgmac1106]I want each paper to be its own space, think there is space in cities for co-op owned and I think newspapers with targeted coupon newsletters could sell off subscribers a bit of space on their networks, possibly as an additional upcharge, if classified revenue (atleast in US) is not crawled back nothing matters
[tonz]What @h0d3r describes is what PublicSpace in the Netherlands is trying to do (initiated by public broadcasting org, and a range of civil society orgs) https://publicspaces.net/manifesto/
[jgmac1106]I live in a tiny town of privilege but people are fiercely loyal to local businesses that support local charity and businesses, something to be tapped here, but would require bringing youth sports, arts, and local biz to table...and money to pour into cities where this much disposable income doesn't exist
[jgmac1106]but yeah I have always wanted to a version of #checkoutmydomain but with the local journalism students or high school studetns #ReportFromMyDomain, the idea would be newpapers would provide a hosting platform for subscribers and cultivate much richer sales relationships between advertisers and customers that way
[tantek] joined the channel; donpdonp left the channel
[tantek]!tell petermolnar re: Instagram export and bookmarks, have you tried making a GDPR request of Instagram? Would be worth documenting the result (response time, contents sent to you) and in particular if there was anything missing (like bookmarks).
[snarfed], msena3[m], [cleverdevil], [dogeared], JeffMaherVegas[m, wolftune, [jgarber], [jared078], [jgmac1106], leg and [mapkyca] joined the channel; Trello[m] left the channel