nellkate1[m]After reading the above conversation about an Intro IndieWeb course, I went to Glitch. Found the Checkout My Domain project. It sounds terrific! Wishing you much luck with it.
KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, [davidmead], seekr, KempfCreative, jgmac1106, brett-soric, bkardell, gxt, [aaronpk] and skippy joined the channel; brett-soric left the channel
skippyI did something similar to the above, but took the IndieAuth code directly from the Indigenous debug screen and hard-coded it in my Shortcut workflow. :)
lza72question about - is the token provided safe to show publicly? it seems like it's just read only, so likely, but want to make sure I'm not exposing something unnecessarily
aaronpkit is read-only, so it's your choice whether you want to prevent "public" access to your webmentions (by keeping the token only on your server and accessing the API), or treat your webmentions as public by putting the URL with the token in some javascript
[jz]Thank you [tomas_quinones] [chrisaldrich] — I thought there used to be a lot more of these buttons out there in the web standards past… Wasn’t there a CSS 3 button?