#indieweb 2019-08-25

2019-08-25 UTC
is it ok that my theme originally built for testing and as a demo for theming framework looks so good I literally want my production site to look like this? :3
Wait a sec, I'll make a screenshot so you could look at this
Here's the screenshot - minimal CSS, some formatting, a tiny bit of optional JS that makes dates nicer (moment.js yay)
It's still WIP, I need to make the nav look better, add webmention counters to the bottom etc
but how's the overall design?
oh wait, I have some unpushed changes
which one's better? https://imgur.com/a/fqNtDqK
KartikPrabhu, [tantek], mauz555, [KevinMarks] and [Rose] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
jodsclass and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
btw [Rose] you got a new RSS follower earlier
There will be a new post up soon 😉
i went through some of my twitter people and checked for personal sites and whatnot
[bdesham] joined the channel
hmm. that seems like a useful Indie™-brand tool: something that would read your list of twitter follows and tell you which people have some other kind of feed you can follow
I'm thinking about the site some mastodon people made to make it easy to look up your twitter follows so you could follow them on mastodon too (or instead)
that's a service that each person had to explicitly put their information into, which is not ideal
you could make a rough proof-of-concept by scraping the URLs in someone's twitter bio and determining whether any of them have RSS or other feeds
mauz555, awolf, jodsclass, rEnr3n, [asuh] and [snarfed] joined the channel
people have done this before, i think more than one. check the wiki and Google?
[tantek], mauz555, [Michael_Beckwit, jodsclass and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Good morning indieweb
[Michael_Beckwit, IWSlackGateway1, rEnr3n, vasilakisfil, Guest76238, vika_nezrimaya, jodsclass, gRegorLove and jeremych_ joined the channel
morning all
Still on child duty?
[dshanske], [Rose], InfinityIO and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
awolf, GWG and [tantek] joined the channel; SebDiscord[m] and InfinityIO left the channel
-> chat 🙂
[bdesham] joined the channel
snarfed: I wouldn't be surprised at all 🙂
awolf, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative and gareppa joined the channel
I takes me so long to post a set of photos along with my written account of an experience (like an hour!) that maybe I should write down the process for doing so. Anyone else feel like "authoring" a /multiphoto post takes a long time?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I spend time editing photos but not much time writing. I also do collections as opposed to multiphotos, so maybe that feels different somehow
I can't post collections on my site (yet), so multiphotos is the closest I have 🙂 plus it translates well to an Instagram (manual) POSSE post
and first four of the photos to a Twitter POSSE post thanks to Bridgy++
Bridgy has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
There's definitely a chunk of time spent writing alt text for the photos. Basically as if I were describing the photos briefly to a friend over the phone.
yeah alt-text is the hard part
I actually like the slow-ness of writing on my site. makes it more deliberate
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Been working on it... Just tried a few photo gallery software to speed it up.. It doesn't..
if your figcaption would be redundant with alt text you can leave it blank
Not really. The description of a photo is different from the story that the photo is a part of
figcaption and alt-text and almost always different since they serve different purposes
Again, the example of talking to someone on the phone works here
I only said "if" not always
You can both describe what you saw, as well as the story about it
we're talking about photo /multiphoto posts here [jgmac1106] — not descriptive captions of photos
that "if" does make sense if there are visible descriptions of the photos as captions, and they're in some broader context like a newspaper article
but that's pretty much never the case in /photo and /multiphoto posts
to speed up alt-text you might need an AI™
but then the AI™ might identify a cat as a muffin so.... <shrug>
Just made this one as I am working on my gallery views http://jgregorymcverry.com/finalscramble.html
trying to finish my /multiphoto post without getting too distracted 🙈
My multiphoto is my distraction I am trying to avoid..
But tantek in terms of struggling with what to say about photos my fav trick is "write with the senses" tell me one thing you felt, tasted, heard, smled, etc
Memory is embodied so writing about senses sometimes comes easier plus a reader can comprehend easier
awolf joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I agree with that advice for the story about the photo
first writing lesson I teach from Kindergarten to doctoral seminars
I think the alt text should be more literal, to give enough verbal visual information / clues that they can see it in their minds eye. Again, like you would tell someone over the phone what it looked like
then yes, in addition to all the visual details, writing about the other senses too
yes alt=literal…..and agree that makes it way harder to write
point being the "writing about the other sense" should go in the visible text since everyone can benefit from the addition to a photo of how what you saw actually felt, smelled, tasted, sounded etc.
[jgmac1106] it is definitely a new/different writing skill, though with practice it is getting easier
sometimes I just end up doing stuff in my text if I really struggle with alt <p>In the photo above you see …</p>
like many things, and even many forms of writing, alt text is its own kind of microcopy, that needs practice to feel/get "good" at
like infographics…there is no way you can capture the info in alt…but you shouldn’t hide it from folks who use a screen reader
practice has 1 karma over the last year
what drove me to do it is that Twitter finally added alt text to their photo posts, so I felt there was no excuse not to add alt text to my photos especially since I was POSSEing them to Twitter, and especially since Bridgy publish added support to set the alt text on photos on Twitter from your own alt text!
it's also a very clear & practical use of the underlying technology of microformats making the alt text associated with a photo "automatically" available to consuming code. something that no alternative (microdata, RDFa, Opengraph etc.) does
yeah working on a PR for Known, currently photo title becomes alt text and the title is what gets syndicated tso I would never write a correct alt
literally microformats2 is more accessibility friendly than all the others
hey [tantek], it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
Thanks Loqi, you're right, that was all I wanted to say on that 🙂
you're welcome
well I am out, I have to get this grant section rewritten today: http://jgregorymcverry.com/questionthewebresearchplan.html
[vendan], kensp, KempfCreative, ingoogni, awolf, gRegorLove, ketudb, [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit and oodani joined the channel
KempfCreative joined the channel