vika_nezrimayais it ok that my theme originally built for testing and as a demo for theming framework looks so good I literally want my production site to look like this? :3
[bdesham]hmm. that seems like a useful Indie™-brand tool: something that would read your list of twitter follows and tell you which people have some other kind of feed you can follow
[bdesham]I'm thinking about the site some mastodon people made to make it easy to look up your twitter follows so you could follow them on mastodon too (or instead)
[bdesham]you could make a rough proof-of-concept by scraping the URLs in someone's twitter bio and determining whether any of them have RSS or other feeds
mauz555, awolf, jodsclass, rEnr3n, [asuh] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek]I takes me so long to post a set of photos along with my written account of an experience (like an hour!) that maybe I should write down the process for doing so. Anyone else feel like "authoring" a /multiphoto post takes a long time?
[grantcodes]I spend time editing photos but not much time writing. I also do collections as opposed to multiphotos, so maybe that feels different somehow
[tantek]There's definitely a chunk of time spent writing alt text for the photos. Basically as if I were describing the photos briefly to a friend over the phone.
[tantek]that "if" does make sense if there are visible descriptions of the photos as captions, and they're in some broader context like a newspaper article
[jgmac1106]But tantek in terms of struggling with what to say about photos my fav trick is "write with the senses" tell me one thing you felt, tasted, heard, smled, etc
[tantek]I think the alt text should be more literal, to give enough verbal visual information / clues that they can see it in their minds eye. Again, like you would tell someone over the phone what it looked like
[tantek]point being the "writing about the other sense" should go in the visible text since everyone can benefit from the addition to a photo of how what you saw actually felt, smelled, tasted, sounded etc.
[tantek]what drove me to do it is that Twitter finally added alt text to their photo posts, so I felt there was no excuse not to add alt text to my photos especially since I was POSSEing them to Twitter, and especially since Bridgy publish added support to set the alt text on photos on Twitter from your own alt text!
[tantek]it's also a very clear & practical use of the underlying technology of microformats making the alt text associated with a photo "automatically" available to consuming code. something that no alternative (microdata, RDFa, Opengraph etc.) does
jgmac1106yeah working on a PR for Known, currently photo title becomes alt text and the title is what gets syndicated tso I would never write a correct alt