#indieweb 2019-09-04

2019-09-04 UTC
qotta, KartikPrabhu, sivoais, [fluffy], KempfCreative, wolftune, zee, __sos__, a_chou, [xavierroy], gRegorLove, Mr-0dday_, kensp, lalitmee, vika_nezrimaya, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, cweiske, [KevinMarks], anotheryou, [Rose], jhsheridan, [tonz], [grantcodes], [tonz]1 and jhsheridan_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ++ congrats [Sadik_Shahadu]++
[jgmac1106] has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (116 in all channels)
[Sadik_Shahadu] has 2 karma over the last year
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning all
jgmac1106, JasonO, KempfCreative, [Will_Monroe], [KevinMarks], Hory, bltavares, [tantek], [schmarty] and craigo_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
jgmac1106_, wolftune, vika_nezrimaya, lalitmee, KempfCreative1 and [fluffy] joined the channel
From that wmmna interview, a pet peeve: “if you ask them “can you design a website for 3 watts an hour?” Nobody can answer that direct question.”
Of course nobody can answer that question. “Watts per hour” is a meaningless unit of measure.
Watts are already a rate of consumption.
It's also at least 1.21 gigawatts.
... isn't a watt already defined as an amount of energy over time?
A lot of people make that mistake though and talk about an incandescent bulb using more “watts per hour” than an LED bulb and it really annoys me.
Even if we interpret it how he probably meant it as a website that only uses 3 watts while it’s being accessed or viewed, what does that mean? Every browser reacts differently, every CPU does too.
Load up my website’s home page in safari and it chews a LOT of energy because of a bug in its CSS animations implementation.
wolftune joined the channel
Then later it talks about data requirements as a 1:1 with power consumption, but simply transferring data isn’t the only thing happening when viewing a webpage.
Bitcoin mining has a fairly low transfer rate but it chews up way more energy than watching YouTube.
well this has been bothering me for a few days: https://martymcgui.re/2019/09/04/110141/
[Marty McGuire] Facebook coming through with some pretty gross new UI changes, now adding little badge icons next to some people’s names indicating that they are a “Conversation Starter”, “Visual Storyteller”, and possibly others. Really raises some quest... https://res.cloudinary.com/schmarty/image/fetch/w_960,c_fill/https://media.martymcgui.re/00/c8/1f/13/87185600ecafc6f5a5615151489dfc97448a670060a97917a763b06e.png
Camp Improv Utopia East was last week and like most improv events we organize and collect photos, video, and anecdotes purely via a private FB group.
so i have been Very On Facebook the last few days.
wow as if facebook wasn't gamified enough already
alex_marcus, adactio, [prtksxna], [calumryan], sp1ff1, jgmac1106_, [jgmac1106], djmoch, lalitmee and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that is icky…kind of playing to the “you want to be an influencer”
gRegorLove joined the channel
"The badges should be for things like 'Never shared an article that was obviously fake'..." "Has actually read the article" "Avoided the quiz designed to phish your personal info"
KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], jgmac1106_, [Will_Monroe], DerrickFDiscord[, wolftune, [fluffy], lalitmee, kensp, jackjamieson, [tantek], KempfCreative1, GeorgeXieDiscord, KempfCreative, VictorGDiscord[m, [dougbeal], CL3334[m], [jeremycherfas], [calumryan], [jgmac1106], JasonO, joshproehl, dopplergange, tbbrown and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I now want one that says Fire Starter