jamietanna[m]It has been mixed overall, the first was 18, most are 3-6 but some of the recent ones at ~10. October is going to be a hacktoberfest takeover so hoping to see more folks there
[jeremycherfas]Buongiorno @lucacavallaro I am not an Italian but I live in Rome. A bit far from you. I have tried to get some interest in HWC here, but no luck so far. You would be very welcome at the virtual HWC at 19:00 on Mondays. Do you have a website already?
nitot, [KevinMarks] and gRegorLove joined the channel
@realdavidpeachI've written a little #LastFM scrobble importer which I'm going to use to import scrobbles into my own website. Just scratching my own itch right now. Are there any people that would be interested in such a thing to pull in their listen/song/artist/album info via an api? (twitter.com/_/status/1175674197433028608)
lucacavallaro[m]at the moment I have a static web site (without blog, replies and other information). I'm working to extend it (and to support webmentions!)
nitot, dhanesh95, seekr and jgmac1106 joined the channel
cambridgeport90Good afternoon everyone. You know, who else here in Boston is IndieWeb affiliated other than myself? I am curious because it might be worth starting a homebrew web site club chapter here, but all depends on the number of people.
cambridgeport90[One of the questions I've always had ... when subscribing to feeds from a MicroSub server ... why when say, following someone from Mastodon, do you get tons more posts than just those from that person? Do the feeds somehow extend to their followers as well?
cambridgeport90[By the way, I'm still going to put up my own instance of Aperture. I just need to get paid next week and will have a server on it's way to my off site datacenter location. There needs to be more hosted services for the IndieWeb around here; one guy can't do anything. Two if you count Snarfed.