2019-11-29 UTC
gRegorLove, kensp, [jgmac1106], BubuDaba, KempfCreative, KempfCreative1, patterson, [tantek], [dmitshur], wolftune, Decobus, rainmanjam and cweiske joined the channel
jihaisse, mblaney and wgirl_ joined the channel
kensp joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 08:13 mblaney hey jacky, sure as in click the view reader button and sign in?
inkjama joined the channel
# 08:19 jacky should fix that to make it redirect to the _actual_ reader
# 08:19 jacky there's a thousand and one things in there I wanna fix up
# 08:20 takev[m] Hmm, crashes for me when trying to read my syndication targets. Lemme see if it's on my side.
# 08:22 jacky I haven't added this check yet but be sure to add a trailing '/' to your sign in
# 08:22 jacky it'll def expect your syndication targets to have `uid` and `name`
# 08:23 jacky might need to put a "things to expect" prior to sign in
# 08:23 stevestreza Yeah, it crashed for me too. Very well could be my janky homebrew endpoint though :)
# 08:23 jacky timed out trying to get to your site, stevestreza
# 08:29 takev[m] Hmm, still crashing with the trailing slash on auth. But I think it's on my side.
# 08:41 takev[m] <jacky "do you mind trying out https://l"> jacky: Do you want a see the json that my endpoint is returning, for debugging purposes?
# 08:45 jacky actually, if you get a x-request-id from me, that works as well - I can use that to trace back the whole flow
# 08:48 jacky hm that's okay - I can probably extrapolate that from your URL
# 08:59 mblaney should've said this before but this is all -> #dev
# 09:06 jacky okay, I'll toy around with what happened with your site and mine takev[m]! it might be some time (hours) since I'm going to catch a quick nap lol
tayy joined the channel
quite joined the channel
# 09:19 tayy how was/is your day, jacky?
asymptotically, [KevinMarks], kensp and jeremych_ joined the channel
gxt, [LewisCowles], mblaney, inkjama, anotheryou, [grantcodes] and [Khurt] joined the channel
# 13:46 [Khurt] Good morning IndieWeb.
gulphole, [dougbeal] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
KempfCreative and Anouar1 joined the channel
[dmitshur], [Michael_Beckwit and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
# 15:47 [Michael_Beckwit Anouar1, moving your question here as it’s not WordPress specific
# 15:48 [Michael_Beckwit My biggest question is if you’ve looked over https://indieweb.org/ at all yet. If yes, then we may be at a point of more specific targeted questions/answers
[tantek], mauz555, wolftune, [dougbeal], sarahDiscord[m], seekr, wgirl__, [Khurt], Decobus, [Michael_Beckwit, chrisaldrich, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], kensp, rrix, jgmac1106, Anouar, [fluffy] and gxt joined the channel
patterson joined the channel