chrisaldrichWas the first webmention spam the adactio case? I though we considered it pseudo-spam since it appeared the user's intent was reasonably noble despite the nature of the site?
[manton]So on, one of the first thing I do if I see a suspicious account is disable their ability to send replies. That also will disable any Webmentions from going out, but of course they can still add spam manually in WordPress comments and link back if their blog isn't deleted quickly.
[manton]I'm afraid this is going to be an ongoing battle. I've disabled close to 2000 fake accounts so far and blacklisted a bunch of domain names from registering.
[manton]Nope, in my most cases they are just using the 10-day trial and not actually even posting anything. That is the part that is worrying because I'm not totally sure what some of the fake accounts are up to. In very rare cases (I think only twice) we've had someone pay for a blog and they clearly violated the terms and we had to cancel their account.
[davidmead]Question…Is posting a link on Twitter, to content on my website, considered syndication? Should there be a `u-syndication` link to that tweet, on that contents post regardless?
[schmarty][davidmead] i personally vary what i consider a "twitter copy" depending on the post. for longer form content, i'll often write a unique summary for twitter linking to my original post. if it's a photo i might plain repost it. podcast episodes also differ.
[schmarty][davidmead] i also do the manual-until-it-hurts method. my site supports micropub edits, so i usually use as a client to edit my post and add the tweet link to the list of syndication links. it was a big improvement over editing the .md front matter and committing each time, though i still end up doing that occasionally.
[davidmead]I’ll look into that [schmarty] - I’m new to the whole SSG method, so a lot of the out-of-the-box stuff with Known & Wordpress I relied on is missing
[davidmead][schmarty] That’s part of why I went this way. Forces me to ask “do I really need to do this”
KartikPrabhu, axtre, strugee, adactio, wolftune, jbkjb, asymptotically, gRegorLove, [benatwork], vika_nezrimaya, leg, [Rose], [manton], imsky, [Khurt], chrisaldrich, cweiske, [jeremycherfas] and jbove joined the channel; axtre and leg left the channel
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