[jgmac1106]go back and forth on adding the OpenGraoh junk to my header in posts....in a perfect u-featured would act in the same way, in a btter world, I would learn to make the plumbing to take a u-featured img and have it automate the Open Graph stuff
KempfCreative, [LewisCowles], gxt, jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu, superkuh_ and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]KevinMarks that's such an exaggeratory term. There is no "browsing" from a "microbrowser" as defined at least from a user's perspective. Crawling / indexing != browsing.
[tantek]e.g. LOL: "First, page requests from Microbrowsers don’t run JavaScript and they don’t accept cookies. The Google Analytics `<script>` block won’t be run or executed. And all cookie will be ignored by the rendering agent."
[tantek]I just decided in one instance to explicitly *not* linking to something because it lacks a webmention endpoint, and instead am linking to and replying to the tweet about it
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "terms of service" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "terms of service is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrichsilo << https://tosdr.org/ Terms of Service; Didn't Read has a ranking system and describes features that might serve as a proxy for defining a silo
gRegorLove, wolftune, jgmac1106, swentel, gareppa, wiedi, Stef, [jgmac1106], [tonz], sp1ff, [manton], dougbeal|iOS, patterson, [grantcodes] and chrisaldrich joined the channel; leg left the channel