[kimberlyhirsh]Tiff is a friend of mine and the founder of my co-working space. My first recruit! Tiff is using micro.blog and we had a conversation today about how micro.blog handles many of the IndieWeb building blocks for you.
chrisaldrichI remember there was a good overview page that delineated the differences/uses between h-, p-, u-, and e- microformats prefixes, but can't find it again. Does anyone have a pointer?
[Michael_Beckwiti’m still mulling over a blog post about myspace and how it feels like the last big bridge between tinkering/website customization and the social media landscape we know today
chrisaldrich[Michael_Beckwit, do it! It's amazing how much creativity "Big Blue" sucked out of the web when they prevented people from customizing anything....
[Michael_Beckwitwhat’s ironic is at the time, i was all for it, because my elitist webdev/designer in the making brain said “omg they’re so ugly and garish! etc”
chrisaldrichGWG, what's odd is just a few minutes after snarfed pointed it out, I ran across jeremyfelt's post that quoted and linked it too. If only I'd been a bit more patient, it would have come to me anyway...
[Michael_Beckwiti’ve seen Jeremy around the WP community for a number of years now, so it’s awesome to see a renewed interest connection with him lately
[Michael_Beckwitgranted i’ve spent the last hour going through the musicians I follow on twitter and complaining in my head how many don’t have dedicated websites
chrisaldrichThat looks like you've gotten Github connected. Did you try the Twitter button on the homepage? Or you did and that's where you got the 500?
Loqi[[snarfed]] [techlifeweb] sorry for the trouble ^! bridgy is getting a HTTP 406 error when it fetches your home page https://techlifeweb.com/ . sorry the error message is misleading. is your web server maybe requiring the Accept HTTP header now?
chrisaldrichThat might give snarfed some additional ideas about what the root issue may be. Not sure if there has been issues with their set up before.
[Michael_Beckwitwell that’s refreshing. i momentarily broke tw2113.blog, BUT i am not sure how to get the non-https version to redirect to the https version at the moment
chrisaldrich[Michael_Beckwit depending on the cause of the issue you may be able to tweak your .htaccess file and/or maybe you need to update your database to define the root site as https instead of http
chrisaldrichI'm almost there GWG. I put a few things on hold to switch themes. I've cleaned a lot of things up to make the upgrade to Post Kinds easier after that.
Loqi[Chris Aldrich] It’s subtle, but I’ve come to appreciate that the Hypothes.is interface often conveniently covers up sidebars and advertising online as I read, think, and annotate.
GWGI continue to be amused by the fact that I coined the terms Post Kinds because types was used, but it has caught on in some forums outside of WordPress
wolftune, [dmitshur], henkvuitton, delli3_, delli3, kensp, Sri19, drkokandy, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and DigDug joined the channel; techlifeweb and nickodd left the channel
[dmitshur]hello. I'm almost done adding support for web sign in via IndieAuth (and via RelMeAuth with GitHub) to my personal site. if you have a personal site, would you mind trying to sign in with it at https://dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com/login and let me know how it goes? thanks!
[snarfed][dmitshur] cool! looks like you still need form-encoded support? i tried it with https://snarfed.org, correctly sent me to indieauth, logged in with GitHub ok, then the callback url on your site gave this error:
[dmitshur][aaronpk] has just reported something very similar and I may have resolved the issue you're seeing too. I now set an Accept header with value application/json, which should hopefully get the response in the same format. [snarfed] do you mind trying again now?