#[kimberlyhirsh]Tiff is a friend of mine and the founder of my co-working space. My first recruit! Tiff is using micro.blog and we had a conversation today about how micro.blog handles many of the IndieWeb building blocks for you.
#Loqimicro.blog has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
kensp, turona, [AlisonW], [KevinMarks], [dmitshur], jgmac1106, rEnr3n, mauz555, wolftune, vgszmilhv, [Michael_Beckwit, ecobos, sp1ff1, thelounge29h6uby, nickodd and chrisaldrich joined the channel
#chrisaldrichI remember there was a good overview page that delineated the differences/uses between h-, p-, u-, and e- microformats prefixes, but can't find it again. Does anyone have a pointer?
#chrisaldrichYes, writing up a long post about modifying the Twenty Fifteen theme with some overview of microformats...
#chrisaldrichI still need to finish building the integrations for Simple Location and Syndication Links so that I can include those.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[Michael_Beckwiti’m still mulling over a blog post about myspace and how it feels like the last big bridge between tinkering/website customization and the social media landscape we know today
#chrisaldrichThen I want to roll the whole thing up as a stand alone forked theme as well as a child theme that one could furhter customize
#chrisaldrich[Michael_Beckwit, do it! It's amazing how much creativity "Big Blue" sucked out of the web when they prevented people from customizing anything....
#[Michael_Beckwitwhat’s ironic is at the time, i was all for it, because my elitist webdev/designer in the making brain said “omg they’re so ugly and garish! etc”
#chrisaldrichGWG, what's odd is just a few minutes after snarfed pointed it out, I ran across jeremyfelt's post that quoted and linked it too. If only I'd been a bit more patient, it would have come to me anyway...
#[Michael_Beckwitthe year 2020 being 2020, that was people having fun and making something uniquely theirs, 15 tables deep or not
#GWGchrisaldrich: I am glad jeremyfelt is getting involved
#[Michael_Beckwiti’ve seen Jeremy around the WP community for a number of years now, so it’s awesome to see a renewed interest connection with him lately
#[Michael_Beckwitnot that i’ve seen, but maybe someone could nudge him
#[Michael_Beckwitgranted i’ve spent the last hour going through the musicians I follow on twitter and complaining in my head how many don’t have dedicated websites
techlifeweb joined the channel
#chrisaldrichWhat else is everyone working on tonight?
#GWGI just submitted another pull request for review.
#techlifewebtrying to figure out why Brid.gy doesn't see my rel="me" to Instagram
#GWGThat's 4 in webmention, 1 in mf2-feed, 1 in semantic linkbacks, and one for avatar-privacy
#techlifewebHavent checked brid.gy in a long time so who knows when it started
#chrisaldrichThat looks like you've gotten Github connected. Did you try the Twitter button on the homepage? Or you did and that's where you got the 500?
#Loqi[[snarfed]] [techlifeweb] sorry for the trouble ^! bridgy is getting a HTTP 406 error when it fetches your home page https://techlifeweb.com/ . sorry the error message is misleading. is your web server maybe requiring the Accept HTTP header now?
#techlifewebhmm have no idea about the accept http header
#chrisaldrichThat might give snarfed some additional ideas about what the root issue may be. Not sure if there has been issues with their set up before.
#[Michael_Beckwitwell that’s refreshing. i momentarily broke tw2113.blog, BUT i am not sure how to get the non-https version to redirect to the https version at the moment
#[Michael_Beckwitespecially with the cert handled by micro.blog, but the domain registered in dreamhost
#chrisaldrich[Michael_Beckwit depending on the cause of the issue you may be able to tweak your .htaccess file and/or maybe you need to update your database to define the root site as https instead of http
#chrisaldrichHas anyone found a good image, emoji, or icon that they think nicely represents the idea of syndication or cross-posting?
#GWGchrisaldrich: Did you ever upgrade to the latest version of everything?
#chrisaldrichI'm almost there GWG. I put a few things on hold to switch themes. I've cleaned a lot of things up to make the upgrade to Post Kinds easier after that.
#GWGchrisaldrich: Good luck with finishing the theme. Is that what you need the icon for?
#chrisaldrichI ended up getting rid of my custom Highlight kind and rolled it up into my Annotation kind.
#Loqi[Chris Aldrich] It’s subtle, but I’ve come to appreciate that the Hypothes.is interface often conveniently covers up sidebars and advertising online as I read, think, and annotate.
#chrisaldrichI'm going to move the syndication links into that footer...
NinjaTrappeur joined the channel
#chrisaldrichI 'll also throw the Simple Location data and weather down there too hopefully.
#GWGI continue to be amused by the fact that I coined the terms Post Kinds because types was used, but it has caught on in some forums outside of WordPress
wolftune, [dmitshur], henkvuitton, delli3_, delli3, kensp, Sri19, drkokandy, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove and DigDug joined the channel; techlifeweb and nickodd left the channel
#DigDugwould anyone be interested in taking part in a 5-minute user study?
wolftune and [dmitshur] joined the channel; lostinthewoods left the channel
#[dmitshur]hello. I'm almost done adding support for web sign in via IndieAuth (and via RelMeAuth with GitHub) to my personal site. if you have a personal site, would you mind trying to sign in with it at https://dev.dmitri.shuralyov.com/login and let me know how it goes? thanks!
#[snarfed][dmitshur] cool! looks like you still need form-encoded support? i tried it with https://snarfed.org, correctly sent me to indieauth, logged in with GitHub ok, then the callback url on your site gave this error:
#[snarfed]authorization endpoint returned not JSON: got "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", want "application/json"
#[dmitshur][aaronpk] has just reported something very similar and I may have resolved the issue you're seeing too. I now set an Accept header with value application/json, which should hopefully get the response in the same format. [snarfed] do you mind trying again now?