[manton][tantek] I've heard that suggestion from other people too and I'm considering an option in Micro.blog so that it always adds a link back to the blog post. Personally, I like not including the link unless it's too long to fit in a tweet, just because it looks nicer.
[manton][kimberlyhirsh] Sounds good! Let me know if you have any feedback about changes that should be incorporated into the default themes for everyone. I know the Microformats still isn't consistent everywhere.
cambridgeport904 I have never noticed a difference.
adinbDiscord[m], kensp, KartikPrabhu, [xavierroy], [Michael_Beckwit, [dmitshur], wolftune, haywirezDiscord[, gxt, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]As a reader I’m less likely to do the work to share the original, so if you’re ok with the tweet links being shared instead of your permalinks then no problem!
[Michael_Beckwiti kind of figure, if i can’t be bothered to copy/paste your permalink, did I really want to share it that bad? if I do, then i’ll put in the effort
[Michael_Beckwitpreviously, i had considered disabling comments in favor of “hey, respond to my post on twitter”, but yeah, that was from years ago before i discovered the idea of webmentions and the IW in general
[mapkyca], KartikPrabhu, jihaisse, overmind1, [Rose] and wiedi joined the channel
[KevinMarks]if there is no extra info at the link than in the POSSE copy, clicking on it is redundant for the user. Also, if the posse copy shows a link preview you can get repeated content displayed, which looks bad.
[Rose], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]I remove the url preview from Known and add the permalink, I want people to know my website is the source and Twitter a copy, doesn't look too bad on twitter
gareppa, [LewisCowles], [Marlin_Forbes], uncle_0gre, dietricha, emilbayes, simons and jeremych_ joined the channel
aaronpka bunch of things... my site treats events like every other post except for displaying them, so they appear in reverse chronological order rather than showing what the next event is
[KevinMarks]sets mac date format to ISO 8601 to try to avoid this kind of thing
mauz555, simons, bltavares, bltavares_, gRegorLove, overmind1, PetriBot, leg, wolftune, wiedi, Nuve, clea, delli3_, dellie__, [tantek], [dmitshur], [jeremycherfas], jgmac1106, Julian, kensp and KempfCreative1 joined the channel; henkvuitton and leg left the channel