chrisaldrichI know that several had said they were having problems with this sort of Instagram data lately with the shutdown of APIs etc. I haven't seen a good working bookmarklet like it in a while, so even without video/stories, it's a win.
supernovahHiya, got a random subjective question: How might you restructure security on a website where you were asked to remove all logins? The website I'm working on deals in ceritifications and they're paid for and have unique identifiers, but are sequentially numbered. The new proposed model was to allow anybody to produce database entries without authenticating, so as long as they have a valid id number
ZegnatHaving a hard time relating it to IndieWeb though, maybe a question better asked off-topic in #indieweb-chat or some more security oriented channel?
ZegnatIād go back to the start and ask why login is being removed. (Although it sounds like login is not being removed but just exchanged for authentication-with-predetermined-ID?) If login is being removed because no security is needed, there is nothing to restructure, haha.
LoqiCapability-URLs sometimes called hard to guess URL or secret URL and used for granting access to a resource to anyone who has the URL
Zegnat[KevinMarks]: what does the ?s=20 on the end of those Twitter URLs do? I always end up stripping it off again because I want to see some of the great responses people post
ZegnatWas wondering if there was any special reason for you appending it, [KevinMarks] :) As I seem to recall you sometimes like to rewrite utm values and the like
Loqi[Ru Singh] This note was posted on my own site following the principle of #POSSE - Post (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. I hope it makes its way to Fosstodon!
[jgmac1106]but wow has the network in Accra ground to a hault, offline, lo fi learning important, we will keep searching for cash to solve this critical issue
swentel, nickodd, [LewisCowles], [grantcodes], jacky, [Michael_Beckwi], electronicmaji, [prtksxna], jussi^, aaronpk_, [jgarber], strugee, [schmarty], chkilroy, [Sadik_Shahadu], emilbayes, bigbluehat, robla, voxpelli, anotheryou, mattl, MarkAtwood, genehack, ecobos, justache, anarchivist, danyao, [KevinMarks], awolf and GWG joined the channel; GWG left the channel
[LewisCowles]Sorry to hear that [jgmac1106] and [Sadik_Shahadu].
Loqi_, awolf, gRegorLove, IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], leg, [LewisCowles], [snarfed], [Zegnat], [KevinMarks], [prtksxna], aaronpk_, rmdes, [jgmac1106], deathrow1, loicm and en3r0 joined the channel; nickodd and leg left the channel
[chrisaldrich]Not sure how new this UI is, but when clicking on a photo in Twitter to see the larger version it still presents the Twitter stream relating to the photo on the right hand side while allowing the stream to be open/closed. I could imagine something like this for a collection of photos as well. Here's a *very* quirky example so folks don't need to dig one up: