kinoHi IndieWebCommunity! I'm trying to set up a website sharing my views on politics and life that will hopefully do good for the world. The host I've gotten though doesn't have any easy installation for wordpress (In fact the server is on linux there wasn't even a GUI). The wordpress installation is supposed to take 10-min but I've tried hours trying to configure and I still can't get it for some reason it's so frustrating ugh. Would anyone be willing to needs a u-syndication link to find original posts for Twitter. But if I'm syndicating to Twitter I don't have the Twitter URL until after it's been posted. So wouldn't I need to manually check Twitter and then edit the post? What am I missing here?
alexmingoiaI want to be able to discover people's followings. It'd be great if people published a page of the people they follow marked up with either rel="following" or "u-follow-of" and then link to that page with <link rel="followings"> so it's discoverable when following that person.
nickodd, electronicmaji, KempfCreative, craigo, kensp, awolf, gRegorLove, EmilyRatko, [mapkyca], OberstKrueger[m], jamietanna, [Aaron_Klemm], [tantek], [snarfed], Zegnat, sknebel, leg, en3r0, [LewisCowles], swentel, loicm, ivanf and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; leg and nickodd left the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Storyspace" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Storyspace is ____", a sentence describing the term)