[tantek][Aaron_Klemm] the beauty is that it's a personal thing, and you can decide your own POSSE strategy without having to worry about whether others do or not.
[Aaron_Klemm]Yup, I love it. I get a little caught up in the big picture of possible futility of chasing big solos while they thwart efforts and also the hope that people find full audiences/networks on the ImdieWeb eventually.
ZegnatI meant that it is mostly a matter of “find a library you trust, run it, hope it works”. I wouldn’t really recommend people to start digging into building it themselves.
jeremycherfasThis relates to Known, which does it in a way that I can't really follow. Ideally I would like to allow certain things to pass that currently do not.
ZegnatIt does not look like Known allows you to configure the sanitiser, from what I am seeing … but I can probably point you at the files and settings they are running with :)
jeremycherfasYou can't configure it, no, but I'm wondering whether it would be possible to change the filter/text or something to leave some things alone.