#indieweb 2020-05-02

2020-05-02 UTC
jgmac1106 and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
That was me asking. Well, then I look forward to people having most of their friends off of big social media!
[Aaron_Klemm] the beauty is that it's a personal thing, and you can decide your own POSSE strategy without having to worry about whether others do or not.
Other people POSSEing does not slow or block you from going full 100% indieweb-only
Yup, I love it. I get a little caught up in the big picture of possible futility of chasing big solos while they thwart efforts and also the hope that people find full audiences/networks on the ImdieWeb eventually.
None of which slows me down personally
pncl joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm]: yes, which is why I only POSSEd to Twitter and Google+ (when it existed)
completely skipped FB and all the others
snarfed++ granary is so useful
snarfed has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
jgmac1106, turona, KempfCreative, fkrt2, bltavares, [fluffy], wolftune and [snarfed] joined the channel; fkrt2 left the channel
aww thanks vilhalmer! warm fuzzies
treora, wolftune, cm2, whjms, nickodd, kensp, AliciaAway, gRegorLove, mauz555 and markopasha joined the channel
Morning IndieWeb
Morning doubleloop and the rest of the IndieWeb
anotheryou and seekr joined the channel
Hi jeremycherfas
Up to anything indieweb today?
Not in a plumbing sense. May write a post or two.
I've wrote a couple of posts.. Saturday morning is always a good writing time for me
Plumbing-wise I want to see if I get a hyperlinked version of the graph of my wiki to publish to my site when I build it
That sounds fun; I have a few little things that need fixing on my site. I'd also really like to learn more about HTML sanitisation.
markopasha joined the channel
Dangerous topic, jeremycherfas ;)
rhiaro, treora and jgmac1106 joined the channel
But zegnat I want to avoid danger.
I meant that it is mostly a matter of “find a library you trust, run it, hope it works”. I wouldn’t really recommend people to start digging into building it themselves.
This relates to Known, which does it in a way that I can't really follow. Ideally I would like to allow certain things to pass that currently do not.
Ah, alright, understood :)
I find it quite difficult tracing the thread from one piece of PHP to another.
Happy to help if you want to jump over to #dev. Or I guess I could jump to the known channel.
I'll ping you in #dev when I get to it.
Not doing it right now.
It does not look like Known allows you to configure the sanitiser, from what I am seeing … but I can probably point you at the files and settings they are running with :)
You can't configure it, no, but I'm wondering whether it would be possible to change the filter/text or something to leave some things alone.
jdp and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
morning jeremycherfas
tom joined the channel
[snarfed], [pfefferle], NinjaTrappeur, vrih, KempfCreative, mauz555_, mauz555, jussi^, wolftune, nickodd, KempfCreative1, plutes, jdp, [tantek], kensp, swentel, gRegorLove, craigo_, apophys, eightfold1, [tim038], markopasha, annadane and electronicmaji joined the channel; nickodd left the channel