#indieweb 2020-05-16

2020-05-16 UTC
wolftune, jimtyhurst and [Molly] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] thanks for the feedback, I haven’t yet documented on the indieweb... I need to look more into doing this - I should have time over the next few weeks or so:)
Also sadly the notes can’t be logged yet. It’s something I’m planning on working on. I think it requires setting up a database and I couldn’t find much documentation on it, I’m very much still a beginner at web development / coding in general and learning everything as I go :)
[Molly] what have you built it in/with?
miklb, miklb_ and wolftune joined the channel
I don't know if this is a dev-y thing but I think about it a lot
so let's say I have a post and I expose incoming reactions
there's nothing really stopping a site from saying it had like 2 million shares since it's just markup on their end
we have a lot of trust in people to represent things truthfully (which is dope!) but I'm wondering what would verification or even presenting some sort of it would look like
especially since surfacing that many links to a post would make it for a very big page
what I was thinking about doing was having a slight extension to my webmention endpoint to query for said webmentions
kensp, KapiX, KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel
Jacky, this is a good channel for it because it’s better to start with UI analysis. How do other systems “prove” their stats like that?
From a user perspective, how can you verify the number of replies or likes on a post?
In the case of silos, the user trusts the silo to not fake the number
huge example of when this failed: facebook's faking of video view stats to advertisers
old school indie example: page view counters on web pages
Aaronpk nah you don’t have to trust the silo to not fake the number
You can click it and actually view the list of likes or reposts
[jjdelc] joined the channel
Each reaction needs to be a webmention and link back to their source post
and then click through to each user and (depending on the silo) see if they did like the post...
...but aaronpk still has a point in that you're still trusting the silo to honestly represent what each user did
Eg Twitter or IG
that trust is distributed in the indieweb, since you instead click through to each response's post on its user's domain
Pretty sure you don't get the complete list on twitter or IG anymore, at least above a certain number
Well in Twitter it Flickr’s case you can actually look a user’s list of favorites
and you're also still trusting that if twitter or flickr says a user liked something, they actually did. single point of trust
which in practice is fine and works. just fun that trust is _also_ distributed in indieweb, along with ownership, etc
Sorta. Because it’s publicly viewable, there’s a certain accountability through transparency
on indieweb sites, the same clicking through to source responses on their authors' domains is the verification that jacky was missing
impractical if there are 2M, but still technically possible
Trust is both about verifiability, and the many eyes effect. If many eyes can view it then if it was false (a bug) chances are someone would point it out.
right. which is more effective for overall trust in the silo in general, over time, than any single response
Sure verifying 2M isn’t humanly reasonable
If that were true there'd be a lot less fake news
re: "someone would point it out"
aaronpk "did Bob like this post" is a way different and simpler question than "is this news article 'true'"
Sure but my point was that expecting people to investigate or point out false claims is not something that should be relied on
agreed. different incentives and expectations than open source's "all bugs are shallow" etc
Lol that’s not how misinformation works aaronpk. It also lacks in citations / links so it’s not transparent to many eyes
Misinfo usually mixes facts with lies to trick people into believing the lies. Plus they’re usually more complex assertions than just “a number”
Having a list of likes or reposts that you click thru to the original like or repost makes them verifiable
Assuming someone goes thru the work of verifying
which is my point, that most people don't
When things are trivial to verify, there’s more chance someone will
That’s the difference with misinfo, usually that stuff is about harder to falsify things
Comparing them as if they’re the same is an error of assuming same labor when it’s not
Heck with indieweb likes, a crawler could verify them, never mind a human trivially so
Not so with misinfo
catching up
aaronpk: lol re: pointing it out & fake news
but yeah okay then
I guess then I should lean on verifiable content versus actually leaning on taking it at face values
tbh that's one problem I have on my notepad
the other is encouraging / focusing on showing what your friends like (like if one of the likes is of someone in your contacts list)
2M feels wild but thankfully since one can see a post once (if it's public); it can be just processed once
[tw2113] joined the channel
(thanks for the discussion + ideation!)
KartikPrabhu and nickodd joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Thoughts on hosting an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session" https://boffosocko.com/2020/05/15/thoughts-on-hosting-an-indiewebcamp-pop-up-session/
gpickett00 joined the channel
the landing page is a lot nicer and gives a more soup-to-nuts intro to how beaker uses dat without mentioning it
opal, anotheryou and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
One things silos do (because they have follow data) is mention who you follow that liked/reacted to the post, which gives that kind of social proof /plausibility, but requires the site to recognise you through being logged in somehow. (Google Friend Connect was an attempt to do this in a less silo way)
The fake mentions case is analogous to the fake reviews one-a site can put in hReview and hReviewAggregate markup and have them be fake, or stuffed in various ways
Morning IndieWeb .o/
doubleloop: [jgmac1106] left you a message 3 days, 23 hours ago: in case you do not get the webmention I sent you a best of my collection of metacognition readings
KapiX, jussi^, [mapkyca] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
mapkyca++ for all the volunteer work
mapkyca has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (27 in all channels)
thanks for fixing the hosted withknown sites
jeremych_ and leg joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky, yes to encouraging / focusing on showing what your “friends” like
Kevinmarks agreed silos do that by focusing on your explicit followings, however I think we can be more clever than that and not depend on such explicit connections
One example: when sites start caching who likes/replies/mentions whom (e.g. as part of a Vouch backend), they can use that as an implicit cue for which responses to highlight for you
Then the only remaining explicit bit is signing in with IndieAuth, which may sound odd yet I can see us eventually signing into each other’s sites like that with long term sessions
So the site knows who it is showing content to
morning Jeremy using my wiki to try and develop "best of" lists started with Bass Players http://longthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/doku.php?id=musichour
jussi^ joined the channel
good morning everyone
What is top Tweets
It looks like we don't have a page for "top Tweets" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "top Tweets is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Morning [jgmac1106] Interesting listicle. Is bass a particular thing of yours?
first instrument I never learned to play...well actually no I did a few lessons on misters sax, more for chat, but bass is everything
^^^ — > chat
top Tweets is the default [[algorithmic feed]] shown on your Twitter home page (or app 🏠 screen) that in addition to showing a subset of out of time order (re)posts from your followings, includes some posts they’ve liked, which tends to amplify snark, gotchas, and other negative aspects of default Twitter culture.
Giphy << Why acquired by [[Facebook]] for $400m: https://twitter.com/ahockley/status/1261414940054663170 (and every chat app)
@JessicaGottlieb Facebook is in the data business. Giphy is used in all sorts of closed ecosystems (Slack, forums, etc) where Facebook can’t gather data. Until now.
ok, I added "Why acquired by [[Facebook]] for $400m: https://twitter.com/ahockley/status/1261414940054663170 (and every chat app)" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Giphy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69943&oldid=46014
Diogo, gpickett00, jbove, Diogo7, [manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Ad targeting by which gifs you shared
KapiX, wolftune, plutes, jussi^, r2, [snarfed], [juju] and [JuJu]1 joined the channel
Hola Indieweb! Is it possible to add twitter profiles as a source in microsub servers like aperture?
hi [JuJu]1 - it is indeed possible, yes. I have a post here (although please note the update at the top) https://doubleloop.net/2019/03/12/following-twitter-peeps-in-an-indiereader-with-granary-io-and-microsub/
oh whoops, looks like twitter-atom may not be usable now due to Twitter lockdown, sorry I didn't realise / had forgotten
Thanks, doubleloop! when did the twitter lockdown start? would like to read something about it, if someone has a link
nickodd, jussi^ and [schmarty] joined the channel
welp, that was a little more work than expected, but a lot less pain than i feared. the (giant, i am sure) Kapowski userbase can safely post GIFs without Facebook intervention at https://kapowski.schmarty.net/ thanks to the gfycat.com API.
lol oops missed some meta crap
i think the following is relevant to IndieWeb main tho I think it was kicked off in -chat or -dev, when tantek suggested using the wikimedia commons GIF collection as a source for a reaction GIF posting library.
i did some deep diving into it and there are... issues
for one, there's a lot of content that are relevant only for very areas of study, like animations of mathematical models. and i do mean _a lot_.
for another, there is actually porn in there
[tantek] joined the channel
I mean making chats more mathy sounds like a good thing
that second seems like a symptom of a lack of community resources for curation
but the first is that this collection is not designed for the purpose of "look up a quick image response"
it comes down to content - and the wikimedia commons Animated GIF collection isn't designed around ensuring this kind of content is curated, organized, and searchable.
markopasha joined the channel
i don't mean to dump on the wikimedia commons at all! it is just an example of how a collection built and maintained with a lot of human effort for one thing can't easily replace or be replaced by one created with a different purpose.
I mean that’s all true
LMK when you’ve fixed the metacrap so I can share elsewhere without having to explain it
funwhilelost[m] joined the channel
Thanks a lot [snarfed]
swentel, opal, [chrisaldrich], wolftune, [Rose], SergeTarkovski[m, KempfCreative, [jeremycherfas], KempfCreative1, viaken, markopasha, fkrt2, [schmarty], KartikPrabhu and xvr147 joined the channel; nickodd and MarkAtwood left the channel