#indieweb 2020-05-24
2020-05-24 UTC
[KevinMarks], chewzerita, KempfCreative and awolf joined the channel
jacky need to get this person in here: https://orndorffgrant.com/own-your-data-idea/

kensp and KempfCreative joined the channel
kensp, [tantek], gxt__, marcusr, nickodd, [fluffy] and [ColinMorris] joined the channel
[ColinMorris] It looks like it's shifting the cognitive load from developers to the end user. Which is fine for savvy end users. I guess a good Extension ecosystem where developers can add their own data-set-integration/ visualisations would make that more valuable. Feels like "Tableau, but open"
[schmarty] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] All this fuss about Joe Rogan’s move to Spotify presaging the imminent doom of open podcasting doesn’t seem logical to me. I do wonder, though, whether there is an open alternative to the Apple directory.

[jeremycherfas] Good morning jbove

[jeremycherfas] Right, but that’s the directory, not the delivery mechanism of RSS.

[jeremycherfas] Maybe Spotify will reach a point where it doesn’t use the directory, maybe it already doesn’t. Either way, RSS continues.

[schmarty] I was surprised by the number (and ferocity) of articles bemoaning this as the death of podcasts

[jeremycherfas] That’s very local. M-pesa has been huge in Africa for years.

[schmarty] As if people literally forgot about Luminary

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Some people seem to think that their boycott of Luminary is what is giving it a bad time.

[schmarty] Luminary now feels like an already-forgotten (VC-backed?) app and platform created whole cloth with the idea of capturing podcasts and breaking the open podcasting space

[jeremycherfas] Exactly jacky. If you really want Rogan, you'll pat Spotify.

[schmarty] At the time it ate a few podcasts I was interested in

[jeremycherfas] Pay

[schmarty] But podcast hosts and sites are constantly trying to escape the openness of RSS

[jeremycherfas] That’s a choice.

[schmarty] I am frequently frustrated by podcast websites with goofy all-JavaScript players that won't work with huffduffer for example.

[jeremycherfas] Me too. And I sometimes say so, and they’re all 🤷 What it means is I can’t easily share or sample one episode.

[jeremycherfas] Because money.

[schmarty] I personally am a fan of the idea of more folks simply losing interest in the companies, shows, etc that try to capture a market. Let them fade away.

[jeremycherfas] I think the all JavaScript. Players are like the entirely friction free publishing experience we were talking about a couple of days ago.

[jeremycherfas] I’m with you, schmarty, but as a podcaster I think paidcasts and notcasts do take some oxygen from our airspace.

[schmarty] Seems like it! Though I feel the Venn diagram of folks that talk loudly about podcasts as "an industry" shares less overlap with people who actually make or engage with podcasts than it might appear.

kensp joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Absolutely. When it comes to awards and reviews and such, though, it does seem like the vast majority of people who actually make podcasts get very little hearing.

[jeremycherfas] Which, with the difficulty of discovery makes finding your audience hard.

[jeremycherfas] And yes, this is personal.

opal joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "On Owning Data Apps Use and the IndieWeb" https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/494c3034-7ad0-4081-b4d2-825d4825d2ff

markopasha, neceve, KartikPrabhu, jeremycherfas, atj[m] and [Arne] joined the channel
[Arne] i just saw that there is no OGP and other meta crap present on the wiki (I shared a the Indieweb Principles to a friend on Facebook and a photo of adactio popped up). Maybe we should add it one day. It is a small thing to add and if it helps to let people to embrace the Indieweb more, why not?
[tantek] argovaerts, thanks for the heads-up about the /principles page! Yes typically we avoid meta crap because inevitably it falls out of date, and on a volunter wiki, you can pretty much count on bad metacrap

[tantek] take a look at https://indieweb.org/The-Open-Graph-protocol — in vast majority of cases, there is no OGP or other meta crap needed to achieve the desired effects

KartikPrabhu is there twitter cards markup?

Loqi Twitter Cards are Twitter's use of OGP and their own proprietary <meta> tags to provide link-preview information as part of tweets with links https://indieweb.org/Twitter_Card

KartikPrabhu well I guess not. QED

[tantek] what should a preview image of /principles look like?

KartikPrabhu I am not opposed to adactio's face

KartikPrabhu right. not every page needs a featured image

marcusr joined the channel
KartikPrabhu if FB fallsback to one then its on them

[Arne] Not be clear, I'm not a fan of OGP or any other meta crap 😉
[Arne] I do think that it makes sense to add it to some pages like / and /principles to make it more shareable.
[Arne] ↩️ Indieweb logo 🙃
anotheryou joined the channel
rMdes joined the channel
[Arne] also true of course
marcusr and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] morning all, I need to restyle the webmentions but fooling around with the idea of trying to make a webmention guestbook

oedmarap joined the channel
[jgmac1106] okay think I got it working: https://jgregorymcverry.com/guestbook though may want to connect with fluffy and see how much lifting it would take to display time and date published

[jgmac1106] I think I will make an endorsement page as well

markopasha, swentel, themaxdavitt, peterrother, ludovicchabant, [LewisCowles] and [arush] joined the channel
[arush] Morning all.
supernovah hey is anyone a member of ##php
supernovah I need to find an admin there, they banned me as soon as I lef tthe channel one day and I can't rejoin
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] morning Amanda

[KevinMarks], nickodd and [tantek] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] whew y'all i am deep into some possible nonsense this long weekend. having fun though.

[schmarty] does anyone embed files in their posts? things that are meant to be downloaded and used by non-browser apps?

[schmarty] what are files?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "files" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "files is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[schmarty] what is attachment?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "attachment" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "attachment is ____", a sentence describing the term)

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[schmarty] what is enclosure?

Loqi An enclosure is a file attached to an entry in an Atom/RSS feed, used, among other things, for podcasts https://indieweb.org/enclosure

[schmarty] picking a random example, does this have one? https://aaronparecki.com/2020/03/06/2/

[schmarty] or this one? https://aaronparecki.com/2019/09/12/14/ i am not able to find a reference to geoJSON in the page?

[schmarty] maybe this is getting -dev already, but i am looking for examples of folks putting up posts with "downloads" - files that the poster intends for the reader to save and use with some other program. especially if it's source files for creative-type stuff, like photoshop/illustrator files, print-and-play-games, 3d printables, etc.

awolf and Diogo joined the channel
[jgmac1106] marty that is really what most of my bookmarks are, readings for my students to download

[jgmac1106] on all my more recent video posts I add a torrent link and encourage people to seed and share

[schmarty] jgmac1106 any examples you can share would be helpful!

[jgmac1106] https://jgregorymcverry.com/myvideos but I didn't know about the rss enclosure thing, may need to file an issue with granary doubt anything mapping that

[schmarty] thanks!

[jgmac1106] this is my bookmark feed, but I only link to my files on my server to demonstrate how I learn out loud, nobody should download them and always respect copyright of predatory academic publicationbs: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/bookmarkedpages/

[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] Feels IndieWeb related: https://craftindustryalliance.org/nbcuniversal-to-close-bluprint/

[jgmac1106] https://jgregorymcverry.com/mypoetry#audiopoems here I add a show link but don't use enclosure, and no link to download poem..figure that is just a right click

[jgmac1106] Kimberly you could add it to the /site-deaths

[schmarty] jgmac1106 interesting. so the vids and poems are all content that browsers handle already - you even have the players inline in your content.

[schmarty] these bookmarks tho'...

[kimberlyhirsh] I think I will.

[jgmac1106] yeah and then I use granary to convert the mf2 feed into an rss feed

[jgmac1106] the bookmarks very unique to an academic workflow, I squirrel away pdfs, then tag and bookmark them for later use, go back and add blockquotes when I read the article

[schmarty] so here is an example of something i am working on: https://martymcgui.re/2011/05/22/172540/

Loqi [Marty McGuire] Volumetric Tentacle Key Hook https://res.cloudinary.com/schmarty/image/fetch/w_960,c_fill/https://media.martymcgui.re/47/14/e9/8a/8a5a048170750682b0122188c15408c969f563c7f20940166d1de6d9.jpg

[jgmac1106] marty my bookmark feed is THE most popular feed people subscribe too

[schmarty] i am migrating all the things i have posted on thingiverse

[jgmac1106] I am so excited...I would love a curated indieweb thingiverse like space,,, something like indieweb.xyz but that displayed in cards

[schmarty] as a start i am posting these as regular entries on my sites with just a few differences

[schmarty] i kind of did model them like email attachments!

[schmarty] so these are basically regular posts but have attachments inside.

[schmarty] i'm also working on the relationship stuff (don't have it exposed on my site yet but the data is there) to denote when something is derived from another design

[schmarty] like https://martymcgui.re/2011/12/11/112751/ is how i mapped my thingiverse "makes"

Loqi [Marty McGuire] 🛠 Made a copy of
Mr. Alligator
by curiousmedia. https://res.cloudinary.com/schmarty/image/fetch/w_960,c_fill/https://media.martymcgui.re/ec/e1/01/01/2191810d2498584c8057124f308575604afc94a667656462d0ee3f4b.jpg

[schmarty] at their most basic, they're just photo replies. but i also dupe in-reply-to as "make-of"

[schmarty] ehh this is getting dev-y.

[schmarty] anyway i think i have been able to go *too far* into making these "just look like regular posts"

[schmarty] to the point where a consumer wouldn't be able to pick them out of my feeds

[schmarty] doing some prior art research and planning to write some posts about it to hopefully get feedback from y'all

amiiboh9 joined the channel
petermolnar hey all; I have a very interesting dilemma. It'd be lovely to throw it into an IWC room once we get there. Heavily -dev cross topic, but it has deeper thoughts.

petermolnar I want to get back to hand-editing parts of my site, mostly the collections pages, because I want to break chronological ordering, and I want to create a human readable page that points to the sub entries. If I do this, maintaining it as a h-feed doesn't seem an easy feat. I'm aware I still need chronologically ordered feed for readers, but I'm a bit hesitant on having a rel=alternate h-feed - how accepted/common is it to do so?

petermolnar But does it makes sense? It'd make the feed a sidecar file.

awolf joined the channel
KartikPrabhu you can have both "non-chronological" and "chronological" feeds as human readable

[schmarty] nekr0z: there have been some strong opinions in the community about sidefiles in the past https://indieweb.org/sidefile-antipattern 😂

KartikPrabhu the first can then link to the second using rel=feed

KartikPrabhu so neither is a side-file

[schmarty] (spoiler in the URL lol)

KartikPrabhu for example, my homepage is a mixed content-type feed and is not necessarily chronological (since articles always come after notes), but the homepage links to individual notes and articles feed

[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[schmarty] nekr0z: i agree! even if a page contains chronological posts autonatically rendered, i think not everything needs to be a feed. my archive pages are just collections of entries with no h-feed wrapper, for example.

[jgmac1106] I want to make a monthly archive of notes but I don't think of that as an h-feed...just going to do something like https://jgregorymcverry.com/poetryportpoems

[jgmac1106] maybe use datetime for the link text not sure...maybe first few words

KartikPrabhu [jgmac1106]: h-feed readers can fall back to a list of h-entries if needed

oedmarap, markopasha, [tw2113] and [tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] tantek++
[LewisCowles] and while you're at it, encode everything in utf-8
KapiX and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks] There's no rule that file order has to match updated time in h-feed

KempfCreative joined the channel
[KevinMarks] What is a social reader?

Loqi A social reader is a modern interactive reader that allows you to directly respond to posts (with a like, comment, etc) right there inline with posts as you read them (as people do in social media), in contrast to legacy feed readers which were one-way read-only experiences and provided no mechanisms to interact with or respond to posts https://indieweb.org/social_reader

[KevinMarks] Doesn't micro.blog count?

[KevinMarks] Ah, they have to sign up themselves to do that.

[KevinMarks] That's interesting. Effectively subscribing to an external feed would be creating a shadow account.

joe-1 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is a sidebar?

[chrisaldrich] What is sidebar?

[chrisaldrich] hmmm....

[chrisaldrich] What is Blogger?

Loqi Blogger is a blog content hosting silo owned by Google https://indieweb.org/Blogger

Loqi ok, I added "https://oudigitools.blogspot.com/2020/05/blog-sidebars.html" to the "See Also" section of /Blogger https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70049&oldid=69338

jbove and [fluffy] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [schmarty] would your call for examples include .pdf files linked to or embedded into pages? I'm sure I've linked to books/journal articles from book or read related posts in the past.

[chrisaldrich] and did you decide where to stash examples of that behaviour?

shoesandsocks, awolf and rMdes joined the channel
petermolnar had to deal with some away from computer activities, reading back

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I do that...keep a different order but always keep human and machine readable update info in chronological order

[jgmac1106] I do know pocketcast handles my feeds converted in granary fine based on my update info, but will always use chronological by publish date

petermolnar The second is strictly IT/tech/etc, but it doesn't make good sense in chronological grouping: it should be by topic. Linux, indieweb, etc.

petermolnar re [tantek]: I read an article many moons ago: https://stackingthebricks.com/how-blogs-broke-the-web/ and I never stopped thinking about it. In my specific case, I have two strange categories in my system, journal and articles.

petermolnar I could add tags, subcategories, whatever, but I've tried all of them and the amount of time I put into playing with taxonomy systems was way more, than hand writing a page for these.

petermolnar The first one is basicaly everything that's long and somewhat personal: travel, internet thoughts, etc.

petermolnar Now, one more thing: nobody is going to visit my site to see if there are new entries any more. Obviously I need feeds, but they don't need to be the same as the category indexes.

[jgmac1106] I do like how Known can turn any category (defined as a hashtag) into a feed

[jgmac1106] I for a long time separated my "articles" from my blog posts by bifurcating identities from my main domain and doing different blog "posts" from subdomains

[jgmac1106] Adding the wiki for my teaching stuff like your "strictly IT/tech/etc..." recentr development but working well

[tantek] joined the channel
awolf joined the channel
petermolnar nobody gets history right :) - it's always subjective

petermolnar for me, it speaks. My first webpage had nothing to do with blogging or even with dated entries, that came years later. It was just stuff, ordered and layed out the way it fell out of my head.

[jgmac1106] here too, didn't blog till blogger

[jgmac1106] just pages and stuff

petermolnar but feeling aside; one of my all-time favourite page is this: http://www.mir.com.my/rb/photography/ - it's essentially an anything Nikon ever produced catalogue, frozen in time since 2005.

[jgmac1106] actually had a blog on my school website but that wasn't mine, no real blog to blogger

petermolnar and I miss these sites; the ones that has their own system of organising their contents

petermolnar keep it in mind that I still see feeds as absolute musts, the question is, do I need my archive/collection/navigational parts to be feeds, more, to be chronological and/or properly machine parseable?

[jgmac1106] I feel I do a mix of organizing stuff but also organizing it in a way people may want to consume: https://jgregorymcverry.com/

[jgmac1106] especially with different hashtags on Known, but I am part of niche edu space that always built communities through pop up rss feeds

petermolnar > in a way people may want to consume - that's part of the problem. Say someone lands on my "journal" archive page. Currently I present a chronological list of entries from various topics, that are barely connected to eachother. I could arrange it by groups of topics, or by some other method, so it's make it easier for a human to read the page. In reality though, people either come through readers or from search engines and in both ca

petermolnar se they land on or consume a single entry - questining even the need for archive pages, unless they are the same as h-feeds. But... I myself might use the different grouping. This is my page and I'm at the point where I want to have a catalogue I myself can use better.

petermolnar (yes, I have mixed feeling as well, which is why the whole topic was labelled as "dilemma"

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] chrisaldrich: yes! i didn't come up with enough examples to push myself to make a page (yet)

[LewisCowles] joined the channel