jmacprologic: So is a new web front-end you are hosting to an instance of "twtxt", which is in turn a separate open-source project for microblogging that's been around a few years? If I am reading all this right? (Am reading a lot very quickly)
markong, KartikPrabhu, strugee, builder, sp1ff`, cjw6k, alxd, Ruxton, Simounet, rMdes, danbee7186, wagle, dmbaturin_, njd, Johan[m] and markopasha joined the channel; Johan[m] left the channel
ZegnatIf you see anything else on that page that can be approved, have a go at it :) Always good to see the wiki evolve as people find new uses for something
seekr, hs0ucy, [Murray], swentel, KempfCreative, [tantek] and dckc joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]Zegnat++ for finding /Bibliogram. I'm going to experiment around with their feeds of Instagram content. Planning to check if I can get it to work with my IFTTT to micropub set up.
[chrisaldrich]Zegnat I had tried using your youtube feed patterns with that, but it turns out they have the publish date of the video for published and individual users' changes to videos are given an "updated" tag, so those feeds never trigger IFTTT/Zapier things....
[chrisaldrich]some readers may not care, but for some of the automation things, they use the published date, which does you no good when it's something that's 5 years old, for example
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "RSS Bridge" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "RSS Bridge is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "RSS-Bridge" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "RSS-Bridge is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[chrisaldrich]Not a bad idea, but that just adds to the growing list of dependencies for moving the data from one silo to my own site... and also may decrease the amount of meta data as well. 😜
[michael_lewis][Murray] I've stripped query strings from indexed URLs now, so your /search/?query=&filter=Technology etc. aren't getting indexed now, which makes your index look much cleaner. The query string elimination is a global setting for now, but if I find there are sites that actually need it I can make it configurable per site. Your API is at* and you can filter by keywords/tags via e.