2020-08-01 UTC
seekr, rEnr3n, wolftune and [tw2113] joined the channel
# 01:51 jacky I thought the little blocks were broken images smh
# 01:51 jacky > Maybe the “Upgrade to premium” button could be inside the feed reader itself, and tapping it would seamlessly upgrade the feed?
# 01:52 jacky this is _literally what AutoAuth and friends is meant to solve tbh
BigShip, [arush], [tw2113], KempfCreative and wolftune joined the channel
# 02:57 [tw2113] any reason why events.indieweb.org doesn’t have an RSS feed at the moment?
# 03:03 [tw2113] mostly just curious and mulling over possible misc things that could be added to maybe the WordPress IndieWeb plugin
# 03:04 GWG [tw2113]: We could bundle php-mf2
# 03:30 aaronpk What would the RSS feed contain? There's no event vocabulary in RSS
# 03:31 [tw2113] wasn’t aware earlier when I asked, about that criteria
# 03:32 [tw2113] i also have to assume i should feel a tinge of shame for thinking you wouldn’t have considered it if you could succeed with it 😄
# 03:51 aaronpk It would take some thought to make sure what appears in rss readers is actually useful
# 03:54 GWG aaronpk: I would assume an RSS feed would just be posting the events as a feed dated when they were posted.
# 03:55 [tw2113] i assume it could be as basic as the event name, the event date, and the event permalink
# 03:55 [tw2113] at least if stored, perhaps the timestamp for when it was published
# 03:57 aaronpk Questions: what goes in the body of the rss item? How are they sorted: by date created, by event date?
# 04:00 [tw2113] i'd likely make the event date the body. Order...good question there
# 04:00 aaronpk Events also have a description which is useful to show
# 04:01 aaronpk basically how do you reduce a rich event that has multiple properties into a format that has only name and content and date
# 04:02 aaronpk also remember that rss readers usually show the date of the item so that s probably better off being the date of the event rather than the date it was created otherwise it'll be confusing
# 04:02 aaronpk and also remember that events sometimes have no start time because they're multiday events
# 04:03 aaronpk but if you can lay out a plan that handles all the edge cases well then I'll consider building it!
wolftune, nickodd, [fluffy], jussi^, thelounge2447, dckc, dhanesh95, vika_nezrimaya, swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
anotheryou, jussi^ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:10 [jgmac1106] [tw2113] I have a few event plugins I have been hacking on, someone with actualk WP knowledge could probably build a WP events plug-in right quick
elioat, [grantcodes], ndegruchy, jussi^, hs0ucy, shoesNsocks, anotheryou, wolftune, nickodd, thelounge2447, mauz555, [tb], kupad, [KevinMarks], yanahx07, KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, jussi^ and [Chaitanya] joined the channel
# 19:30 [Chaitanya] After clicking on the "I'm going" button on the events page, is there a way to see which events you have RSVP'd to?
# 19:37 [Chaitanya] I was going through the events and I RSVP'd but now I need to go through them again just to know what all I RSVP'd for 😂
wolftune, leg, KartikPrabhu, ndegruchy, [KevinMarks], KempfCreative, [Chaitanya] and sp1ff joined the channel; nickodd and leg left the channel
# 23:01 prologic twtxt.net now supports uploading media and displaying them inline with your posts/Twt
kiryin and Toomim joined the channel