#indieweb 2020-11-03

2020-11-03 UTC
toupain, archwizard, awolf, gxt, workfrosty, opal, [chrisaldrich], deltab, nickodd and velox joined the channel
What is everyone working on tonight?
It looks like we don't have a page for "everyone working on tonight" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "everyone working on tonight is ____", a sentence describing the term)
KartikPrabhu, [tw2113_Slack_] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
My site's alive again ... though evidently autommatic raised their prices. I am now paying $240 a year for Jetpack premium. I have a few more settings to fix,but other than that.
i'm struggling to determine how it's worth that much money a year
I do too...
Though I know that I've seen a few discounts on their things lately for the more price sensitive....
cambridgeport90, what are the most compelling parts of it that you think are worth that value? Automatic backups would be a useful one that I would consider.
markopasha, swentel, KartikPrabhu, schmudde, kensp, cweiske, ferz1, [KevinMarks], kensp1, PetriBot, nolith and nolith[m] joined the channel
markopasha, nickodd, [Denver_Prophit], rick[m], genehack, samwilson, smacko[m], zack[m]1, plindner[m], nyx1, vilhalmer, [tw2113_Slack_], jalcine[m], hirusi[m], CarlosSols[m], crowdhailer, nolith[m], jamietanna[m], mayakate[m], nekr0z, gpickett00, y0x3y[m], reed[m], ryanryankeseu[m], perflyst[m], alvinsj[m], [chrisaldrich], SergeT[m], orangefox[m], benpa[m], KempfCreative, jfkimmes[m], Matthew[m], freekurt, glenn[m], Salt[m], kolaente, aviraldg, thejeshgn, nloadholtes[m], Jeena1, sea_of_tranquili, lionirdeadman, pauho[m], paulopinto[m], zack[m], funwhilelost[m], aveltens[m], sp[m], fredcy_, jeremych_, anotheryou, awolf, PetriBot, alex11, gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], jolvera and schmudde joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Hello all - does anybody have experience with creative commons?
I'd like to add a machine readable CC0 to some images on my website. https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
I have the at human readable (cc0) in the caption using Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.com/icons/creative-commons?style=brands
But I'm not sure what to do to make sure search engines know they can pick it up too.
I don't find creative commons wiki particularly helpful in this regard. https://wiki.creativecommons.org/wiki/Marking_your_work_with_a_CC_license#Author.2C_License.2C_Machine-readability
details about what applications consume is indeed pretty limited
Google announced some new stuff this year, but I don't know if anything else cares about it: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/image-license-metadata
creative commons has a search site, but as far as I remember that just indexes a few image sites that allow to explicitly tag a license, e.g. Flickr. Which is also assume how many people search for images with clear licenses
*how I assume
Inside an imageobject you can add a license attribute
swentel joined the channel
Thanks sknebel. Looks like those docs point to a schema.org solution: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/image-license-metadata
For an explicit license.
I'm sure this belongs in dev? Happy to share that code over there.
I've added licence that apparently Google parses; will it make any difference though, I can't tell. Test here: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpetermolnar.net%2Fphoto%2Fwales-forest-spirit%2Findex.html&user_agent=1
The attribute may not be parsed into a rich snippet footer. But, the data is there for other consumers of structured data.
Ah thanks petermolnar. That looks like what I wanted. Since no one knows what goes on behind the scenes at megacorp, we just do what we can, I guess.
What's the indieweb dev channel? It's not coming up easily in Weechat. I suppose I should join there.
got it. nm
ned0 joined the channel
Moving there. Thanks for your help everyone!
well there ya go https://images.app.goo.gl/9y93s9hUMcBEKZAC9 the license is there on image search.
Very nice.
JohnBeales joined the channel
I'm going to study this and update my own images I use to share via og:image
opal joined the channel
petermolnar: this image is beautiful - https://petermolnar.net/photo/hongcun-bridge-2/index.html
Your descriptions ring the bell of patience. I really enjoy them.
swentel, archwizard, JohnBeales and PetriBot joined the channel
got my toes in the p2p social web stuff and came across this
I figure that this can help influence what a system for vouch could look like (by planning for what one would want to vouch for, versus against)
[snarfed], PetriBot and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ interesting piece
jacky has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (113 in all channels)
djmoch, bltavares, schmudde, archwizard, toupain, maxwelljoslyn, swentel, awolf, toupain1 and [tantek] joined the channel
The Mozilla Foundation fellows explore all kinds of different things
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
There's been a handful of people registering for IndieWebCamp East which is coming up in about two weeks. Here's a quick reminder to RSVP if you haven't already: https://2020.indieweb.org/east
IndieWebCamp East
wolftune and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
yo all that license chatter, unless you're talking about a UI for *picking* a license among a human readable list (not URLs), then please move it to #indieweb-dev petermolnar. thank you
like if you have to cite a developers.google .com URL, that should be a strong hint that you're having a #indieweb-dev conversation
wolftune and PetriBot joined the channel
we already did, [tantek], along time ago
but I don't see why a UI is the only thing in relation to license that can stay here
or am I misunderstanding something?
got other examples that are user-friendly / user-understandable ?
I have a license text that has wrappers around it for the non-humans; it is visible right under the image
so, sort of
human readable license labeling like "CC0" or "MIT" or "CC By" or expansions of those makes sense too
such text microcopy is typically considered part of a UI
[tw2113_Slack_], [kimberlyhirsh], [fluffy] and wolftune joined the channel