#indieweb 2020-11-10

2020-11-10 UTC
opal joined the channel
opal, ned0, ShinyCyril, toupain, KempfCreative, Ariadne_, a_chou, gRegorLove, lahacker, GWG, [tw2113_Slack_] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "My new GoBlog-Blog is finally alive 🎉" https://jlelse.blog/posts/new-blog-goblog
markopasha, [Jan_Lukas_Else], schmudde, PetriBot, anarchivist, ramsey, willnorris, jeremych_, genehack, [Ana_Rodrigues] and anotheryou joined the channel
I need some ideas on features to add on my site that are actually useful; otherwise I'm looking at a very empty hacking day on Sunday. Bear in mind that I've deprecated a silly amount of features, because I failed to see their usefulness, but regardless of that, ideas would be welcome.
Things I had, but not any more: word counters, x minutes to read, auto generated machine tags for images (flickr and google vision api), micropub*, bookmarks, likes (*micropub: I realized I'm writing my entries in front of a computer, so it doesn't really make sense.)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
micropub still makes some sense if you ever want to use other editors
are there any offline-first, runs offline micropub editors?
(on the retro front, I have gopher, my RSS feed is served via NNTP, no, I'm not doing a WML version, and I'm not bored enough to code a BBS on telnet yet, but other ideas might be welcome)
I'm using micropub for likes, notes, and bookmark. And netlify CMS for articles (when I don't want to spin up my local development version of the website).
do you have a local search engine? This could be a nice project
ShinyCyril and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
petermolnar Have you thought of something that would surface a random image, because they are all so interesting?
For my taste (only) the light view of the photo gallery could use some work too. The orange font doesn't work, and the white background is maybe a shade too white. But those are very minor things.
oh, that's my light theme. I have not paid much attention to it, that is a fair point.
Not an entire hackday project though.
I'm still unsure whether I will have time to attend either day.
nolith: I have a local search engine, yes. It uses SQLite's FTS through PHP.
jeremycherfas: I think I fixed the text color problem on my gallery view. So much for doing this on Sunday.
Much better, for me. But if you look at Welsh Forest Spirit in gallery view, you see that the caption is wider than the image, and the white shows through. The problem is with the bg-color on .h-entry h3
Sunrine (?) in Hongcun looks different too.
Apologies for nit-picking.
[snarfed] and kensp joined the channel
I'll take this to -dev, ok?
schmudde, kensp1, kensp and [grantcodes] joined the channel
i was looking up syndication options for facebook and it's just like
nope, can't do that, been shut down, nope, can't do that...
they *really* want to be the only thing on the internet
predatory sharks
toupain, [tantek], [tw2113_Slack_], gRegorLove, KempfCreative, mauz555, schmudde, KartikPrabhu, kensp, archwizard, alex11, gpickett00, Dieux, leg, tommy27 and [grantcodes] joined the channel; leg and tommy27 left the channel
Has Brendan Fraser been on the IndieWeb for decades? https://www.brendanfraser.com/
[tantek] joined the channel
it looks like that page was written to only work *inside* a specific frameset
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
he plans to update the site once he gets some new work
that said, I do enjoy his 90s work for sure
mauz555 joined the channel
sorry not sorry, putting Brendan’s site on my company’s internal wishlist for potential clients
Dieux joined the channel
actually going to move to #microformats
The Publishing Working Group has published the following specifications as W3C Recommendations: Publication Manifest defines a general manifest format for expressing information about a digital publication. It uses schema.org metadata augmented to i...
mauz555, [chrisaldrich], [Raphael_Luckom], ShinyCyril and apophys joined the channel
I've seen the hashtag #100DaysToOffLoad before, but apparently it's got a website