swentel, [tantek], KempfCreative, [Rose], __number5__, schmudde, jjuran, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues], mauz555, sebbu, ethanyoo, seekr, [arush], [Raphael_Luckom], Rosendo, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], gpickett00, nomadicoder[m], avalos, dopplergange, [mapkyca] and bltavares joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]I can't think of any tools that have done it or do it (besides the old FriendFeed, which Facebook bought), but are there any silos that can aggregate a single persons' social media output (via feeds, API, other) into a single stream of content?
#[Raphael_Luckom]what do you mean by "output"? Every social network, including the corporate ones?
#[chrisaldrich]Yup, all of them. Most like Facebook and Twitter no longer have RSS, so one would have to pull data (if at all via APIs). Micro.blog is a maybe for those that use it since they're posting there primarily first and it aggregates everything by default.
#[chrisaldrich]However I do know many on micro.blog who separately maintain other presences/blogs with their macro content and micro.blog is just for their notes.
#[chrisaldrich]I have a feeling that there just isn't anything out there anymore that serves the function that friendfeed did
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]Some of us post to a central website first and then syndicate, so it's easier to follow with a reader from the source. But others are posting only to silos and thus it's harder to get the fuller picture of their posting from a following perspective, or you have to deduplicate portions.
#[Raphael_Luckom]this reminds me of the joke of referring to /dev/null as "write-only memory"
#[Raphael_Luckom]is that a representative case? Because if so, it usefully does not include some of the grabbiest silos, like facebook and insta
#aaronpki think all the API changes have made this kind of thing impossible now
#[Raphael_Luckom]The reason that I think it's useful is that if you include the specific silos that make exfiltration especially difficult, you end up doing browser-automation whack-a-mole. If you can decide at the outset to make those specific silos out-of-scope, it turns into a different conversation.
#[Raphael_Luckom]Another way to think about it would be to assume that at any given time, you have API access to _some_ of the outlets that publish a person's work. Then you could work on a way to build a "finder" for each service separately from the author-centric view. then the author-centric view would be their ID on each service in whatever format the finder wanted. When a particular service put up too many barriers, its finder would stop working, which
#[Raphael_Luckom]could be a kind of "graceful degradation"
#aaronpki'm about *this close* to turning ownyourgram into a browser extension instead of trying to scrape instagram server-side
#[Raphael_Luckom]tbh I'm impressed you're dong it at all
#[Raphael_Luckom]Are you still interested in instagram because of the people there, or something else? Just curious, I'm in a similar place
#alex11i wonder if zuckerberg really is interested in the welfare of the founders and about diversifying income or if it really is just, "kill everything that moves"
#aaronpkyeah that, and the experience of browsing it is still reasonably nice especially compared to facebook
#[Raphael_Luckom]I haven't been on facebook for maybe 8 years? so I assume it's bad but idk. I do find instagram relatively pleasant. Having just rejoined twitter it's...a lot
#alex11one thing instagram will do is it won't allow you to scroll feeds without having an account (you can still do it in a private firefox window though)
#alex11the usual 'sign in for the best experience' crap