#indieweb 2020-12-04
2020-12-04 UTC
chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I have to say it's nice that I've got a permalink on my site to my avatar and uploading a new one at that url changes it in multiple places (but also shouldn't cause issues with people who are hotlinking that url).

[chrisaldrich] Now I've got to double check a few additional places that should be using that URL but may not be...

toupain and jigawatt joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I've just seen my second or third tweet about people seeing way more adds in their timeline on Twitter this week. The best commentary on it so far: https://twitter.com/shellen/status/1334598725096808450

@shellen @EthanZ Everyone is seeing this. It’s like a year end sale but we are the ones for sale. (twitter.com/_/status/1334598725096808450)
jeremycherfas joined the channel
aaronpk oh huh twitter is getting rid of their threaded reply display https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/3/22150448/twitter-thread-replies-off-update-conversations

jigawatt, shoesNsocks and sebbu joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "IndieAuth Spec Updates 2020" https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/indieauth-2020

[schmarty] ooh aaronpk++

[schmarty] joined the channel
alex11 did anyone else from last night's call listen to any of the IA presentation from tonight?
[schmarty] last night's HWC: no. Tonight's dweb meetup hosted by the internet archive: yes!

alex11 do we feel the indieweb could work with the IA's decentralization web stuff?
a_chou and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] aaronpk++ for completing NaNoWriMo with that one post! Serious work. (Probably deserves a weeks worth of space on the gift calendar...)

jjuran, [jeremycherfas], swentel, enpo, KartikPrabhu, schmudde and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Several of us here attended the first DWeb event at the Archive

swentel, jeremych_, ethanyoo, [eddie], schmudde and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Thorough principles https://www.manifestno.com/

jolvera, swentel, toupain, Simounet, ethanyoo, PetriBot, nickodd, [KevinMarks], [tantek], [eddie], [Murray], alex11, [Aaron_Klemm] and leg joined the channel; leg left the channel
alex11 if anyone is interested in a summary from last night's IA dweb meeting https://horacioh.github.io/braindump/2020-12-dweb-meetup
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
alex11 it was cool to see so many interesting people
alex11 the two communities should think about collaborating
maxwelljoslyn alex11++ for sharing. that Braid.js stuff is funky as heck. lahacker can you make use of that somehow?
alex11 i know at least one person is coming to next week's americas meeting
[snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] alex11 agreed! KevinMarks is right, we’ve been before and know the people there pretty well. we’ve given indieweb talks at multiple dweb summits: https://indieweb.org/Decentralized_Web_Summit#Past_Events
lahacker yeah i really enjoyed hanging out in gather.town last night getting to know some of the regulars in that commnuity
lahacker there really is a mutual respect and yes the primary author of braid will try to make next HWC Americas to talk about how his HTTP extension spec can apply to bloggers
toupain joined the channel
alex11 oh just that i feel they're interested in the same things
lahacker our absense is felt
lahacker *absence..
alex11 there were 12 presentations last night (i think) and i don't know what it was like in the past but i definitely think they can collaborate with each other and with the indieweb as well, there's potential
lahacker Frazee put it best; paraphrasing "the IndieWeb just doesn't have anyone coming to push it"
alex11 it shouldn't be forced, it's just important that indieweb is aware of ia and ia is aware of indieweb
alex11 internet archive
Loqi The Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that is building a digital library, including archival copy of much of the public web https://indieweb.org/Internet_Archive

lahacker twelve monocultures come together and they have to jump over backwards to interoperate
lahacker so it's interesting; the lack of incentive to "send someone" or "have someone represent us" is such a powerfully "decentralizing" concept
lahacker yeah i find that long tail of total strangers really warming
alex11 in-dweb
toupain, ethanyoo, kiryin and anotheryou joined the channel
[snarfed] also, to reiterate what i mentioned earlier, we have sent ourselves (and/or been asked) to dweb summits multiple times to represent indieweb. https://indieweb.org/Decentralized_Web_Summit#Past_Events
wolftune, Nuve and toupain joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] so is Beaker doing actual websites now and not the weird js-based stuff?

[KevinMarks] because if so, the indieweb building blocks might fit in better than before

alex11 well anyway it was just a suggestion
alex11 i don't know the history of all this
alex11 yeah, i see that there's been some 'representatives' sent
[KevinMarks] I spent a chunk of time with the archive folks a few years back, but it's harder no longer being able to visit the building

[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] KevinMarks: one of the things pfrazee said of the new release of Beaker was (paraphrasing) "we want it to do distributed websites well so the focus is on that"

[KevinMarks] right, I read that in the summary - I should watch the presentation and try beaker again.

[schmarty] that's in the context of dropping a lot of the built-in social networking features. looking over the current docs it is still very focused on in-beaker apps ... because there's no real servers to speak of.

[KevinMarks] I was trying to get them to release the hash to url index they built as a step towards content-based web.

[KevinMarks] the demo I built is still up http://svgshare.com/dweb

[KevinMarks] their hashes are sha1, which isn't ideal, but they did build an inverted index of them

lahacker for a little bit of context; i found alex11 in gather.town++ within minutes of the end of the zoom conference; we chatted for a second, WASD'd around for a few minutes, observed others and rather quickly found ourselves in one video "huddle" and people came and went; alex what did you think of that experience? we didn't move our avatars all night but the conversation stayed rather dynamic
alex11 yeah, after the 9 hour discursion on CRDTs we got somewhere :P
alex11 nah, it was interesting
[schmarty] i walked through gather.town but my partner was watching TV and i wasn't exactly dressed for camera so i bailed.

alex11 i had a good time hearing about the ways people thought even if much of the technical discussion i was unfamiliar with
[schmarty] gather.town is just like real life: i get socially anxious, lurk awkwardly, and run away!

alex11 it was my first time on it so the first 5 minutes were super confusing
alex11 "what do i dooooo, where is everybodyyyy, heeeeelp"
alex11 btw lahacker someone posted a summary of what happened; https://horacioh.github.io/braindump/2020-12-dweb-meetup
alex11 i know it was hard for me to remember all the projects as they were being presented, a lot to take in, who's associated with what project etc
alex11 i joined a few discords today of their projects
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
alex11 ia supposedly doesn't really have irc channels from what i can gather? only a few low-activity matrix rooms
alex11 not sure if the dweb does
[KevinMarks] they have a slack for dweb

alex11 lmao
alex11 sigh
[schmarty] they have (or had?) a matrix room after the first decentralized web summit. i used to lurk there when i had a matrix homeserver. it was long periods of silence followed by alt-right randos demanding censorship-proof websites 😂

alex11 yeah unfortunately any decentralized web is going to get those types of people
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
[schmarty] of the dweb lightning talks last night i am the most interested in agregore, i think. i rambled about it in #indieweb-dev yesterday.

lahacker gather.town++ *is* like real life; simple, powerful
[schmarty] very neat minimal browser designed to encourage building local-first web apps but also supports a handful of decentralized protocols by abstracting them as if they were HTTP.

lahacker mauve joined the chat at one point to talk about agregore
alex11 i didn't understand that you hear/see people in a localized area
alex11 so i was trying to 'find the zoom room' because i assumed it was all one call
alex11 they have some other event later in december but i don't know what it is and there's a mailing list that i don't have
alex11 maybe i'll ask the braid person on wednesday if he knows
[KevinMarks] re 'those types of people' - https://sirfrogsworth.tumblr.com/post/636498678889185280/sirfrogsworth-sirfrogsworth-solid-rules-no

alex11 but yeah, highly enjoyable evening, i really enjoyed it
alex11 i just said enjoyed twice didn't i
alex11 uh... insert synonym here
becoming joined the channel