#[tantek][schmarty]++ good post and documentation of your experiences! There's definitely a bunch in there about interesting new browsers, and some aspects of fragility of various protocols/efforts that are perhaps worth documenting on individual pages
#Loqi[schmarty] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
#GWG[tantek]: You just reminded me, I should add the photo thing to the gift calendar
KartikPrabhu, appendectomies, dhanesh, jeremycherfas, nickodd, schmudde and [Alan_Smith] joined the channel
#[Alan_Smith]Hey [jgmac1106] I'm at https://www.alanwsmith.com/ ~ started from scratch a couple weeks ago in the digital garden mindset. Doing it live, so there's some rough edges (and it's super-un-optimized 😬)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106][Alan_Smith] been hanging hear for five or so years...there is no finished...find the joy in the broken
#[jgmac1106][Alan_Smith] ++ I love the design and playfulness
#[Alan_Smith]I'm totally digging it. I was in blog format for years. Not really messing with it. I'm doing the home page entirely by hand right now like I did when I started. I haven't had this much fun playing with a site in 20 years.
#aaronpk[sebsel]: interesting, I can't imagine all third party Twitter clients will have the tweets flagged as not human, cause plenty of people use third party apps to tweet still
[sebsel] joined the channel
#[sebsel]Yes I was wondering about third party clients too. On the other hand: there are no ads by Twitter on third party clients, so this might be a way to get rid of those?
#cambridgeport90I had a question for anyone inclined. You know how we are always talking about HTML alone and CSS, but with no Javascript? Has anyone tried to either modify or create an Indieweb package using the Blazer Framework? If not, then that's an itch I can scratch when my C# gets stronger. I have lots of time on my hands this week, so hopefully I should get a bit ahead. I finally found the right book. It seems to me that
#cambridgeport90The most difficult part of this is actually sitting down doing it when I'm running so many projects in addition to helping out with the Indieweb community.
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]cambridgeport90 sounds great! and probably appropriate for #indieweb-dev
#cambridgeport90I wasn't sure whether anyone else was doing that. I'm going to definitely ask in the dev channel though; I forgot to add that to the list of joined channels ... whoops.
#cambridgeport90we definitely need more programming languages used in here.
KempfCreative and skippy_ joined the channel
#skippy_any significant updates to micropub servers that haven't made their way to the wiki? only 2 updates to micropub/servers in 2020...
anotheryou and leg joined the channel
#jamietanna[m]Skippy_ I think there probably have been, I know I don't update it for the features for my own server, and I wonder if other folks have the same
#jamietanna[m]Thanks for the nudge though, I'll look to update my section
nickodd, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], schmudde, KempfCreative, lahacker, skippy_, [snarfed], wowaname, gxt and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd and leg left the channel