nekr0zIs there an agreed upon way to mark up a translation of somebody's article? I've been meaning to translate some of the good old indieweb-related articles into Russian. They would obviously qualify to be `u-repost-of` (with a `hreflang` most likely), but is something like `u-translation-of` a thing?
[KevinMarks]you can do `rel=alternate` with `hreflang` though ideally you want them to point that to you, and you can do `rel="alternate canonical"` to them
jboveThe layout of the "newsletters" thing also doesn't work too well on desktop. The scroll hi-jacking is definitely annoying on desktop. The whole thing reads much easier with the "reader view" of Firefox on. And yes, his remark on that websites are not easy to make is totally untrue, Going to check if Robin Rendle has heard of Homebrew Website Clubs.
aaronpkI think I'm going to just write it up as a blog post first and link to the source files somewhere in the post, but I do like the little image carousel on thingiverse and I'd like to be able to do that in my posts as well
[schmarty]that is an example of a more direct mapping from thingiverse's version of my thing into mf2 markup. i include the rendered 3d images for 3D files with the files but not in my gallery of images.
[tantek], shoesNsocks, DanC, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], [Emma_Humphries], [schmarty], gRegorLove, schmudde, swentel and btrem joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
btremI'm trying to figure out a url scheme for articles on my site. I could use title/slug, but there's always the problem of titles changing. So I'm looking for some ideas, maybe a couple articles on urls schemes. Any recommendations?
LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content
btremThe problem I'm having is creating flexible urls in a static site. In the past, I've used a database and php to deal with cases where a page title changes. I don't have that now. So I feel a bit more constrained.
btremI could skip the slug/title part and just use date. That would avoid the problem of changing titles. But I just know that there will come a day when I post twice.