[snarfed]new version of bridgy browser extensions is up, for anyone using them! main changes are more status info and support for firefox’s container tabs addon (cc [frank])
mctsonic, ShadowKyogre, kensp1, kensp, gxt, jeremych_, [KevinMarks], jolvera, johnridesabike[m, DanC, [tantek] and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "microsite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "microsite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiNotion is a note-taking and multiple post drafting app that is apparently highly recommended for its clean user interface however lacks offline first support https://indieweb.org/Notion
[Raphael_Luckom]that's one of the snarkiest top-line summaries I've seen Loqi repeat. I remember it from last time I saw it, it made me wonder if we expect someone reading the wiki to assume that the indieweb attempts objectivity.
[tantek]hey anyone have a sign-sized print template for printing out a tweet? you know, so that it looks like a formatted tweet on a large sign you'd hold up at a protest? considering additional syndication options
Loqireach is usually used to refer to the number or extent of people that see or are at least shown a specific post (of yours) in whatever aggregator or reader app, site, or home (news) feed feature of a silo that they use to view posts https://indieweb.org/reach
[tantek]POSTER is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Then Enlarged Reproduction, the practice of posting content on your own site first, then printing out a large version to put on a board or sign, like to carry to a protest or march, to [[reach]] more people in person, especially where there is media coverage. Great use-case for retypable permashortlinks to provide viewers a way to directly interacting with your content online.