LoqiA watch is a semi-passive type of post used to publish that you have watched a video (movie, TV, film), or a live show (theater, concert) https://indieweb.org/watch
jackyI'm actually currently working on backfilling my Steam gameplay to my site (via a middle service) but something like music can be very noisy fast
[schmarty], ShadowKyogre, [tantek], mdavv, micro, ChiefLousy, shoesNsocks, mdavv1, BigShip and sp1ff` joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[chrisaldrich], ShadowKyogre, markopasha, alex11, mdavv, nolith2, mdavv1, [pfefferle], bltavares_ and gxt joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[chrisaldrich]Small UI idea for Microsub servers that don't already do it: When following/subscribing to people (sites, feeds, etc.) who have h-cards, pull in the name of the person or the organization name as a title to the subscription rather than leaving the field blank and defaulting to the site URL as the name of the subscription. 😉
KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative, mdavv, [KevinMarks], [schmarty] and leo60228 joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
leo60228telegraph is the closest i've found but that just shifts the problem from "figure out when i should send a webmention" to "figure out when i should poke telegraph"