#indieweb 2021-03-06

2021-03-06 UTC
aaronpk, you'll find this humorous, I'm unmerging venues that Foursquare User #1 merged
who is user #1? o.O
Jimmy F. (pretty sure the F stands for Foursquare) and their icon is an abstract Foursquare head with a ball cap that has a Foursquare crown icon on it
that's them
I'm guessing it's "support"
guessed the url
I created unique venues for each bus (number) I rode and have documented them with photos (that showed the bus number), and someone (maybe in support) decided to merge them all on 2020-12-01
or maybe merged by a user that was later deleted and had their edits reattributed to user 1?
oh yeah that's possible
sigh, looks like merging/unmerging is a lossy operation, they lose track of which venues had which photos
and it gets stuck with the "primary" venue (then one you merged "into") when you undo the merge 😞
so now I have bus # photos on the wrong bus venues dammit. I hate content bugs like this
their photos database is a bit wonky anyway, they lost all of mine when they lost my account in 2019 and were only able to partially restore my photos (despite restoring all my checkins)
yeah they don't really have restorable backups. just going to put that out there 😛
[indienews] New post: "One Year Since The #IndieWeb Homebrew Website Club Met In Person And Other Last Times" https://tantek.com/2021/064/b1/one-year-since-homebrew-website-club
how is that different on Twitter from send and then delete?
hey robnugen: can you move the tech talk to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I think the twitter thing is more of a delayed send.
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Introducing tokens-pls, a Web Application to Test OAuth2 Code Flows" https://www.jvt.me/posts/2021/03/06/tokens-pls/
[fluffy], [schmarty], [Rose], KartikPrabhu, Yakim, [snarfed], [Rob_Nugen] and jamietanna joined the channel