#[tantek]Jimmy F. (pretty sure the F stands for Foursquare) and their icon is an abstract Foursquare head with a ball cap that has a Foursquare crown icon on it
#[tantek]I created unique venues for each bus (number) I rode and have documented them with photos (that showed the bus number), and someone (maybe in support) decided to merge them all on 2020-12-01
#[tantek]sigh, looks like merging/unmerging is a lossy operation, they lose track of which venues had which photos
#[tantek]and it gets stuck with the "primary" venue (then one you merged "into") when you undo the merge 😞
#[tantek]so now I have bus # photos on the wrong bus venues dammit. I hate content bugs like this
#[tantek]their photos database is a bit wonky anyway, they lost all of mine when they lost my account in 2019 and were only able to partially restore my photos (despite restoring all my checkins)