#indieweb 2021-05-22
2021-05-22 UTC
samwilson, opal, lahacker, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, ccchapman and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
wolftune, petermolnar_, gRegorLove, gxt, yar, justBull, gzj, lahacker, chee22, Adrian_F, nolith4, astrojl_matrix, nertzy, lanodan, danyao, oodani, astroanax__, ramsey, Mikaela[meow], Matthew[m], Salt[m], fredcy_, supercoven, JackyAlcin[m], drmr, astralbijection[, pauho[m], jamietanna[m], ytqb[m], lionirdeadman, Paul[m]2, dianoetic[m], VictoriaDrake[m], smacko[m], csr, nekr0z, Sukmadik[m]1, sknebel[m], cromo[m], cbradford[m], kevinsan, [chee], perflyst[m], tweet[m], edsu, supercoven_, powellc, reed, BinyaminGreen[m], dhanesh, kolaente, benpa[m]1, moftasa[m], PaulB[m], sumner[m], [KevinMarks] and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel
barnabywalters, barnabywalters_, lanodan, wolftune, Silo, Adrian_F, leo60228, opal, KartikPrabhu and [Sia_Karamalego] joined the channel; lanodan left the channel
Seirdy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[dianoetic_net] joined the channel
Mikaela[meow]1 joined the channel