#indieweb 2021-06-24
2021-06-24 UTC
samwilson, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [tantek], hendursaga and raghavgururajan joined the channel
n8chz, [fluffy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
samwilson joined the channel
[jacky], samwilson, eco, distopico, capjamesg, gRegor, gRegorLove_, jgee1, Tomte, hendursa1, [KevinMarks], pepperoni_, barnaby, raghavgururajan, [Murray], Hello1, petermolnar and [grantcodes] joined the channel
samwilson, Moosadee, [Ana_Rodrigues], rockorager, inky, IWSlackGateway, Seirdy, [snarfed], KartikPrabhu, capjamesg, ben_thatmustbeme, doosboox, moose333, rrix, rektide_, neocow, sknebel, zerok, barnaby and [tantek] joined the channel
calebjasik, BinyaminGreen[m] and Abhas[m] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
jamietanna joined the channel
[jacky], hendursaga, Moosadee, [jeremycherfas], petermolnar, rockorager, [aciccarello], [fluffy] and Lohn joined the channel
[tantek], petermolnar, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], Moosadee, Jamietanna1, n8chz and HelpMeUnderstand joined the channel
n8chz1 joined the channel
IWSlackGateway, Abhas[m], Seirdy, BinyaminGreen[m], j0hnny, zerok, chenghiz_, jjuran, barnaby, deeden, rrix, petermolnar, [schmarty], calebjasik, HelpMeUnderstand, vilhalmer, hendursaga, aaronpk, wagle, mikeputnam, inky, KartikPrabhu, doosboox, rektide_, sknebel, omz13, Jamietanna1, jamietanna, nsh, [snarfed], [KevinMarks], Seich, geman-, joshproehl, rhiaro, jeremy, sebbu, Ruxton, gerben, Zegnat, Kaja, mgdm, nertzy__, cambridgeport904, willnorris, egoexpress, oenone, distopico, n8chz, eco, sm2n, jgee, raghavgururajan, voxpelli, lohn2, Nuve, jernst[m], M002fa7[m], bleb, krjst, peterrother, timdream, cambridgeport90[, kir0ul, Lohn, neocow, ben_thatmustbeme, moose333, strugee, seekr, reed, lanodan, LaBcasse[m], Bitweasil, nekr0z, angelo, Clawfire[away], chee, Saphire, oodani, wrmilling, astralbijection[, qa6, anarchivist, batkin[m], selectric, jbove, Jon, jetpack, cev, joj and [tantek] joined the channel
samwilson joined the channel
aaronpk joined the channel
jeremycherfas and justache joined the channel
[jacky] and gRegor joined the channel