#indieweb 2021-07-09

2021-07-09 UTC
[fluffy], [jacky] and [schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (138 in all channels)
i was skeptical of backfilling some years of my checkin data. i often didn't add pictures or comments. still, they capture a snapshot of my life! like when i was commuting weekly between Baltimore (home) and NYC (work). https://martymcgui.re/2012/01/
Ooh, nice maps. What are you using to make those?
gRegor: That looks like the static map code endpoint aaronpk originally created.
Atlas? Ah, hadn't seen that style of the maps. Nice
Looks like it's Stamen Toner basemap http://maps.stamen.com/toner/
[indienews] New post: "Publ v0.7.2, Authl v0.5.0" https://publ.plaidweb.site/blog/848-Publ-v0-7-2-Authl-v0-5-0
capjamesg, jamietanna, hendursa1, jeremycherfas, nsh, neceve, gRegor, nekr0z, jgee and miseri joined the channel
I made a javascript RTS game. You control all units by writing real code: https://yare.io (if anyone has time to try it out, would be grateful for any feedback!)
hendursaga, BigShip, chenghiz_, miseri, Moosadee, jeremycherfas, [snarfed], [fluffy], j9hs1, capjamesg, j9hs and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Not a silo quit, but an interesting reason to delete one's social media phone apps: https://twitter.com/seaotta/status/1413514304242917381
Deleting the Twitter app for the weekend. What happens in Vegas gets posted on Instagram and not tweeted out 😂
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
silo vacation
Makes me want a SCIF for my social media presence... https://scifglobal.com/scif-definition-what-is-a-scif/
capjamesg, j9hs, [jgmac1106], [jacky], rockorager and KartikPrabhu joined the channel