2021-08-05 UTC
neshpion, nsmsn, jacky, gzj, chee, alex11, push-f, capjamesg, Guest9322, neceve, hendursa1, neocow, rockorager, tetov-irc, [Rose], hendursaga and chenghiz_ joined the channel
# 18:42 [tantek] Sunday is my 19th blogiversary and am pondering what to post (about)
# 18:42 [tantek] does anyone else regularly (annually 🙂 ) publish blogiversary posts?
# 18:42 Loqi blogiversary is a portmanteau of blog plus anniversary and refers to both the anniversary of when a blog was started and a post (usually a note, sometimes an article) that commemorates it https://indieweb.org/blogiversary
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 18:59 GWG I'm overdue for a tools I use 2020 post, or 2019
# 19:11 [tantek] do we have a page for those? I thought we did. something like personal setup maybe? I think aaronpk posted such a post
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 19:16 GWG Next I'd like Microformats for $500
# 19:16 Loqi hey GWG: can you move the tech talk (stack, Microformats) to #indieweb-dev to keep this channel more inclusive and inviting?
# 19:16 GWG Loqi, I believe you missed my context. I was very inclusive
# 19:40 GWG In one, it was plugins I use on my WordPress site, and the year.
# 19:40 GWG In another, stuff I was traveling to Summit with
# 19:47 [tantek] I think posts make sense, as "what you use" is a snapshot in time
# 19:50 GWG [tantek]: Maybe a tag or such to show them in archive form then
# 19:52 GWG I have tags, categories and series
# 20:02 GWG Yes, but I like the idea of tagging them, so I might do that then link
anarchivist, willnorris, duncanbeevers, anyhow and voxpelli joined the channel
# 20:56 push-f wait you guys publish posts after the initial "How I built this blog?" post? :P
# 21:13 Loqi [chrisaldrich] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
inky and KartikPrabhu joined the channel