#indieweb 2021-08-08

2021-08-08 UTC
Seirdy, n8chz and alex11 joined the channel
GWG++ for the new dark mode on his site
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich]: It's still early days.
But it's looking better.
Better than the bright only mode I'm sporting. 😎
[chrisaldrich]: If you change your system settings, my site still does light mode
I want to improve the front page, I need to fix the fact that photos are showing the URL instead of a proper name, etc.
Also, may want to filter a few things.
I also have next and previous links by type of post.
hendursa1, jacky and neceve joined the channel
snarfed, my intuition is that it does seem quite complicated to make the use-case work that's mentioned in the issue. both the work for a default rendering as you put it (proposal in the wiki section you linked to), and on the part of the developer with the class names
I haven't found a lot of instances of this since the examples I documented at that wiki link either
maybe worth discussing the class name approach more in #indieweb-dev?
nertzy_, jeremycherfas, [Rose]1, nertzy__, kir0ul3, bneil, selectric, eco, angelo, jmac, vroman, neceve, jamietanna1, jamietanna, tetov-irc, rockorager, Kai` and j0hnny joined the channel
Zegnat[d] joined the channel
good days of indieweb
anyhow, chenghiz_ and Sam2 joined the channel
Hey all, my name is Sam. Been following indieweb for awhile, wanted to jump in the discussion here
Thanks so much! Something I wanted to share with the community, which has parallels to the indieweb/POSSE visions — would love to hear folks thoughts on it
For this use case, and many others, it seems uncontroversial that we'll move away from centralized social networks — to networks that are more free, user-centric, and dynamic. To start this transition, it seems that the simplest and surest first step is having access to our graph data — so that we can use it and build/experiment on it. Specifically, I'm talking about: 1. Export my contacts from LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social
I've started using LinkedIn as a way to communicate above the walled garden chat communities. I'm doing this to enable discoverability + accessibility + knowledge-sharing with my work. Much of the professional world — at least in subject areas I'm focused on — is on LinkedIn. By posting content and having discussions there, it enables anybody who may be interested in what I'm working on it to discover it — and likewise, me to discover
networks, using their APIs 2. Import those contacts into a new substrate/protocol, with some simple structure to help with identification. (For example, to tell the difference between two contacts named "Amy Bee." Or, if each of us have a "Amy Bee" in our contacts, an intelligent way to recognize if they are or are not the same person. Email or phone number or even domain name could be a useful "anchor" for this — and better approaches
could certainly be possible as well. ) 3. Once I have all of my contacts accessible — I just want some simple functionality to send messages, and the ability to tinker/experiment with new ways of interacting on top of this new substrate. Part 1 is feasible today. Part 2 seems like it requires some dedicated thought and design. Part 3 only comes after Part 1, and along with Part 2. If anybody is interested in this type of thing, I'd love
to hear thoughts and collaborate. Note that this approach isn't about onboarding to a new network, it's about migrating our existing networks to a new and dynamic environment. Also this is envisioned more of a commons / protocol / infrastructure initiative, not as a new network itself.
hey Sam2, we try to keep jargon (APIs, protocol) out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
My mistake
[Sam_Butler], anyhow, jacky and hendursaga joined the channel
Some random person sent me a copy of their driver's license photo. It was to my short URL domain, di5.us
Wondering if I should retire it
If anyone in edu or parents who went through a year of remote teaching on Google Classroom I would love to find out about why they went with an almost plain text editor with no images (why it takes fourteen tons of javascript to make happen...different question)
peterrother, mgdm, jbove, KartikPrabhu, hendursa1 and hendursaga joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "How I Book Blog" https://blog.b-ark.ca/2021/08/07/how-i-book-blog.html
tetov-irc, Rattroupe and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel