#indieweb 2021-08-15

2021-08-15 UTC
I now have short links... just need to somehow fetch an API key from there... and then finally find my old site imports. I feel like I left them on my laptop's local hard drive... but didn't think the downloads folder can run empty. Her's is.
kimberlyhirsh[d], alex11, hendursa1, anyhow, tetov-irc, oodani, nertzy, GWG, hendursaga, [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, Moosadee and [snarfed] joined the channel
I'm thinking of adding air quality displays to my site to fill in where I don't have such data.
Wondering if it's overkill
inky, neshpion, [chrisaldrich], klez, alex11 and tetov-irc joined the channel