#indieweb 2021-09-02

2021-09-02 UTC
rockorager and j12t joined the channel
I'm late, anybody still on Zoom? The Zoom info seems to have disappeared from the site
Hope everyone had fun at HWC. I lost Internet for 2 hours.
j12t: Sorry I missed you
maxwelljoslyn[d]: Hope things went well after I left.
nsmsn joined the channel
aww bad timing GWG and sorry we missed you j12t!
sontaran[m] and hendursa1 joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Sharing social interactions with Micropub" https://jamesg.blog/2021/09/02/micropub-social
neocow, nertzy__, tetov-irc, n8chz, mackeveli_, hendursaga, sennomo, Moosadee, chenghiz_, rockorager, [grantcodes], push-f, kimberlyhirsh[d], shoesNsocks, gxt and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
[tantek] - is this a real kerfuffle, or is it just overblown twitter chatter?
There is controversy after a Member's objection to the #DID Proposed Recommendation (PR). Before more people jump to wrong conclusions: This is one Member's opinion. Objections are part of our open standards process https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/#rec-track A PR is not yet endorsed by W3C.
wow this is quite rare for W3C to tweet about this. as it's likely to get jargony real quick we can take it to #indieweb-dev if there's a specific IndieWeb related aspect to it. otherwise #indieweb-chat