LoqiAn index is an organized list of information on a personal website potentially consisting of tags/categories, articles, locations, authors or related information to make it easier to find particular content on a site https://indieweb.org/index
[chrisaldrich]It's on my list of things to do, but mostly because it's something I've actually done searches for in the past. But it's also only something that I do once or twice a year.
[chrisaldrich]I'm more tempted to have an index or even search of people who's writing I /read or to whom I /reply. Perhaps GWG's Post Kinds Plugin could help make this easier since that's where that data is saved in my case.
[chrisaldrich]It could also be fun to have an index of sites I read (and how frequently) as a means of tracking sources and potentially nudging me to expand my sets of sources.