#indieweb 2021-09-28

2021-09-28 UTC
vikanezrimaya, ballpointcarrot[, Lohn and [Rose] joined the channel
<jeremycherfas> "!tell mambang Done." <- thanks , i get the json. http://paste.debian.net/1213504/ , it combination of in-reply-to and bookmark-of too. nice.
hendursaga joined the channel
I just added flags to my site. I'm not sure why I did that
Did you know that for many countries, flying the flag upside down is a sign of distress? However, if you fly the Phillipine flag upside-down, that indicates a state of war?
It is the only flag that has that meaning.
Okay, enough Fun with Flags
I was just fixing a bug, and I refreshed the data I use for country code to name mapping, and the provider added flag emojis, so I figured...
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
The webmentions you got include one from the copy i POSSE to microblog and one from someone commenting on that.
<[tantek]> "and who in the IndieWeb analogy..." <- i suppose the city codes are the protocols like microformats, except they're more like suggestions that everyone plays along with, and there's no indieweb police to arrest people with poorly implemented webmentions, so i guess there's less of a city council and more of an anarchist commune lol
"anarchist commune" lol that's good 🙂
macaw and koire joined the channel
blahblah441 and [max] joined the channel
that's a good article for the /collection page!
"My relationship to music is ultimately dictated by the Spotify platform, both what I can listen to and how I listen to it."
and this: "I can’t perform the same actions I used to, and so I can’t use the app in quite the same way. These changes leave no trace; unlike an outdated television or microwave, once the digital app updates itself the older version ceases to exist, smoothly replaced as if it were never there in the first place (an erasure that lends a peculiar ephemerality to our memories of technology)"
hence, screenshots, and wiki documentation 😉
what is collection?
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
yes, so imo that article is not really about collections :)
at least not about /collection in the indieweb sense
more about owning the interfaces along with the content
what is context
context is everything around and about something, typically the nearer the more relevant, such as the graphic design surrounding a post, information around a post like the reply-context for a reply or its longer thread and previous discussions on the subject, posts by an author (perhaps of the same type) before and after a particular post, or conditions around a post like location, weather, date, and time of day https://indieweb.org/context
Apologies that I missed the Gardens & Streams session, had been really looking forward to that 😦 Now I guess I can look forward to catching up on the videos instead 😄
Hi, h-card suppost put on front-page only or every page? thinking to put on footer
tetov-irc joined the channel
it depends how you are using it - if you're using it to show post authorship then you want it inside the h-entry on post pages, though that can be a less detailed version. No drawback to having it in the footer in general
I have a more rich h-card on my home page and in my articles have a smaller one with my name I think.
n8chz1 and n8chz joined the channel
I see. Then i just keep some info on h-entry
ShinyCyril joined the channel
You know, this discussion I hosted 5 years ago about decentralisation with some crypto people at the Internet Archive summit still holds up https://archive.org/details/DWebSummit2016_Panel_Peer_to_Peer_Networks
I don't hear Dixon or the others answering 'what user problem does this solve?'
_inky joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [manton] and justache joined the channel
ooh another map!
plindner[m] joined the channel
Oh hey, on Libera.. now..
We are indeed!
Question and I swear I've asked this before. Any micropub client that supports customizing the date for posts? I want to migrate a few things by hand and it's just be easier to copy and paste...
I had never even thought about having that as a feature on my client.
Are you republishing old posts?
I don't know if Quill or Micropublish support custom dates.
The protocol does
plindner[m] GWG: would you mind moving this conversation (Micropub, protocol) to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
Indigenous for Desktop and iOS has a new maintainer.. Did anyone catch that?
maybe shpub, I guess.
I didn't GWG.
I thought they were unmaintained. That's good to know.
I thought the Linux client had a lot of promise.
[jacky] joined the channel
https://inklings.io/inkstone can be configured to add arbitrary fields, try that
[marksuth] indigenous-desktop: An IndieWeb Desktop app with extensions for sharing information to micropub endpoints and reading from microsub endpoints
[tantek] I am going to add a feature to IndieWeb search called "get rel" which will list all <link> and <a> rel values on a page.
I guess this'll have to do for now... Wish there were more pre/post-dating on clients... `shpub note --published '2020-08-01 11:59:00 PST' --name='Test post' "this is the text"`
GWG thanks!
GWG I am excited!
plinder[m] indeed, I think the primary use-case is for scheduled posts
Now I just need to fix Known to use custom slugs. (Also not sure this is worth moving to #indieweb-dev)
yes definitely worth moving to #indieweb-dev! or if it's Known specific, #indieweb-known
aranjedeath, [tw2113_Slack_] and _inky joined the channel
“That will require challenging the logic of today’s platforms—and first and foremost challenging the very concept of megascale as a way that humans gather. If megascale is what gives Facebook its power, and what makes it dangerous, collective action against the web as it is today is necessary for change”
That article is filled with calls to action that are met by technologies being developed here 🙂
macaw, edburns[d] and timdream joined the channel
instagram noob question: what are the visual/end user differences between a normal and a business IG account?
that's a great question. if anyone has a business IG account and is comfortable taking/uploading screenshots, would be great to document that
I was wondering to open a "business" account just to see if the upload endpoint works. Given my syndication is through integromat, they already seem to have a "Create a Photo Post" functionality for IG Business, and I'm a bit curious to try - although I'm fighting my disgust upon touching FB owned stuff again.
yeah seems not worth it 😕
ok, so one caveat already: switching to IG Business is a breeze, and there's a "personal blog" category. BUT: trying to connect to it's API is apparently through FB, so needs a FB account, and needs a FB account connected to the IG account.
that kinda smells like nope
ah... https://accountscenter.instagram.com/profiles => "Facebook [icons of FB, Messenger, WhatsApp, IG, and something else] Account Center"
if this doesn't go against the explicit "don't share data across your companies", I don't know what does
I don't get this. So if I don't have a Facebook Page for the business, there is no way to connect to the IG API for the business account there?
hey petermolnar, it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev (API)
lol I mean developer / business, close enough 😛
yeah, so that seems to be concluded: it kinda all goes through a FB Page, so no FB Page, no IG Business API for you.
tetov-irc joined the channel