2021-10-07 UTC
# 00:00 Loqi GWG has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
[tw2113_Slack_] and edburns[d] joined the channel
gRegor, [tantek]1, IWSlackGateway and [snarfed]1 joined the channel
# 06:21 capjamesg[d] gRegor I saw it a few days ago. I don't think you can ever close all of the windows.
hendursaga and aranjedeath joined the channel
# 07:43 capjamesg[d] I will need to rebuild the whole index for the feature to work for every site.
jjuran, hendursa1, [pfefferle], _inky, macaw, gRegor and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 14:30 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:30 capjamesg[d] I need to recrawl every page in the index to get a h-card to show up for every page. That will have to wait a few weeks.
_inky joined the channel
# 14:45 capjamesg[d] Is there a way to retrieve an image once that might be used 10 times on a page?
# 14:53 petermolnar the webserver should repond with 304 for multiple responsed on the same resource if that is what you're after
# 14:56 [snarfed]1 depending on headers etc. more predictably, capjamesg just cache by URL?
# 15:00 Loqi petermolnar has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
# 15:00 Loqi [snarfed] has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
gRegor, _inky, jjuran, [pfefferle], gRegorLove_, strugee_, benji_ and Zegnat joined the channel
# 16:26 [tantek]1 capjamesg[d]++ amazing work on that profile view!
# 16:26 Loqi capjamesg[d] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
# 16:26 [tantek]1 TIL: somehow my webring links are in my bio
Guest2366 joined the channel
# 16:36 [tantek]1 lol I'm getting ads for backlink services
# 16:36 [tantek]1 "We understand why so many people hate on backlink builders ..."
jeremy[m]1234 joined the channel
# 16:52 capjamesg[d] Maybe "backlink builder" should be in an email spam filter somewhere? 🙂
# 16:52 capjamesg[d] Thanks [tantek]! I still have a few things to fix. nekr0z really helped me identify some issues.
threewordchant joined the channel
# 16:54 [tantek]1 aaronpk this was on IG even and I'm like WTF
marksuth1, [schmarty]1, [tw2113_Slack_]1, IWSlackGateway3, [snarfed], [fluffy] and hendursaga joined the channel
# 19:21 petermolnar > Pointing to a provision in its terms of service that purports to bind even former users of Facebook, Facebook also demanded that I never again create a tool that interacts with Facebook or its many other services in any way.
# 19:26 capjamesg[d] “in a U.K. court, where I would have been personally on the hook for Facebook’s litigation costs if I lost. Facebook is a trillion-dollar company. I couldn’t afford that risk, so Unfollow Everything no longer exists. This is bad for its users, and also for the University of Neuchâtel, which will no longer be able to use it to study the News Feed.”
# 19:27 [KevinMarks] They won't tell you which bit you're infringing. We had this with Google Friend Connect way back in the day.
Moosadee joined the channel
# 19:34 aaronpk sounds like an opportunity for some organization that doesn't actually have a facebook account to re-publish that plugin under a new name
# 19:35 aaronpk then if FB sends a C&D there's at least no facebook account to shut down too
# 19:38 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] A few days ago, I unfollowed everyone on Twitter, added them all to a list, and I now read that list instead. It’s shockingly better. Only their own tweets and retweets, in order. No ads, no “liked by,” no “people you may know,” no engageme...
# 19:39 Loqi [snarfed] has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
# 19:40 [KevinMarks] Brad Fitz wrote a browser plugin that exported the Facebook phone book and they shut that down fast
# 19:41 petermolnar I think the point when the fb export stopped having any information on friends beyond their name - not even a fb URL - was my tipping point of deactivating and not looking back.
# 19:41 petermolnar on the other hand... that could be an unexpected consequence of GDPR
# 19:44 petermolnar checking my exports: the one from 2015 still had email addresses and phone numbers
# 19:48 petermolnar heh my bad. no. that was the address book the fb app slurped up from me. Beautiful.
# 20:04 [KevinMarks] originally if you went to facebook.com/phonebook it would show you all friends who had set phone numbers with tel: URLs
[Ed_Beck] joined the channel
# 20:08 [Ed_Beck] I remember the iphone could import all those numbers into the iphone phone book. I synced once in 2010 or something and instantly regretted it.
# 20:08 [Ed_Beck] My contacts still all have their decade old profile pictures attached to them…
# 20:10 [KevinMarks] If their birthday didn't have a year it used 2000, so all my contacts were kids for ages
_inky joined the channel
anarchivist, voxpelli_, peterrother, jbove, Allie, duncanbeevers, chenghiz_, qa6, jmac, willnorris, tetov-irc and gRegor joined the channel