#indieweb 2022-02-06

2022-02-06 UTC
jacky, Seirdy, edburns[d], Christian_Olivie, Zegnat[d], aspenmayer[d], corenominal[d], hoenir, Murray[d], marksuth[d], MarkJR84[d], shaunix[d], mossymaker[d], hans63us[d], Seb[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], sayanarijit[d], daiyi[d], cygnoir[d], sarahd[d], rattroupe[d], Jeremiah[d], Myst[d], capjamesg[d], aaronpk[d], nertzy, petermolnar, [tonz], _inky, tetov-irc, [jackjamieson], n8chz, barnaby and cambridgeport90[ joined the channel
Morning everyone from Massachusetts. How are things this morning?
Projects galore
GWG: Working on anything cool? I'm still trying to get my site back up, but right now it just shows the default Wordpress page since SSL is broken on my domain for some reason.
Doing well! Just building some Lego.
dovedozen[d] and P1000[d] joined the channel
Working on bookmarks
wackycity[d], sp1ff and jacky joined the channel
I'm still wondering... is anyone here using a headless site implementation, in other words, not paying as much attention to the backend so that the focus can be placed on viewing the site from anywhere?
Thinking of doing that possibly with cofoundry eventually and maybe or maybe not with Wordpress... haven't decided yet.
<capjamesg[d]> "Doing well! Just building some..." <- ++
I thought of using Micropub as my only UI
cambridgeport90[ GWG: it looks like this conversation is getting pretty technical (backend, implementation, Micropub), can you take it to #indieweb-dev?
_inky, [tonz]1, jamietanna, njd, KartikPrabhu, Osvik[d], oodani, shreyasminocha, barnaby and tetov-irc joined the channel