#indieweb 2022-02-08

2022-02-08 UTC
nertzy, darkkirb, Seirdy, pax_os__, _wackycity[d], hoenir_, _aaronpk[d], _Murray[d], _shaunix[d], _sarahd[d], _balupton[d], _cygnoir[d], _capjamesg[d], _mossymaker[d], _dovedozen[d], daiyi[d], _edburns[d], Ramon[d]_, sayanarijit[d], hans63us[d], Christian_Olivie, aspenmayer[d], corenominal[d], Myst[d], MarkJR84[d], marksuth[d], Zegnat[d], rattroupe[d], Jeremiah[d], Seb[d] and Asaf_Agranat[d] joined the channel
has anyone constructed alternative shapes for their social media icons (that also fit inside the default circular crop) since Twitter started the rounded-corners hexagon for NFT profile icons thing?
I'm thinking a rounded-corners pentagon would fit well. or to "one-up" a hexagon, go with a septagon (7-sided)
or a rotated hexagon with corners at top and bottom instead of the flat sides like Twitter has it now
example of the rounded-corners hexagon icon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryancarson/status/1490699745416953858
🚨 Exciting personal news 🚨 Today I’m joining @kevinrose and @justinmezzell as Chief Operating Officer of @proof_xyz I'm all in on web3. For my new followers, here's a little background on how I got here. A πŸ§΅β€¦
[fluffy] joined the channel
I feel like I need to promote my emoji avatars more
they're very neat
you can probably change your twitter profile picture to match the last one syndicated too
I think thats in the API
I've always thought about doing that... maybe this is the right time
sebbu, n8chz, jacky, njd, boxframes, strugee_, _inky, schmudde, Saloframes, tj2, [schmarty]1, [fluffy]1, [jgmac1106]1, tetov-irc and hans63us[d] joined the channel
aaronpk I added GIF support to my posting UI so I can search for a GIF and add it directly into a note / reply I'm writing.
Although it shall need a bit of work because if there's a GIF present and I press space the GIF breaks.
n8chz joined the channel
capjamesg: fun! Which GIF-finding service have you plugged into?
nertzy and schmudde joined the channel
[schmarty] The same one you used for Kapowski πŸ™‚
The others I checked either needed an API key, didn't have an easy-to-use web API, needed specific embed code, or wanted me to verify my application (which doesn't make sense as it is just for me right now).
[capjamesg] It's a cat!
Moosadee and jacky joined the channel
capjamesg: sweet! i feel like gfycat's library is not the best but it's 100% less owned by facebook than giphy 😩
I don't know too much about assembly but this is wild https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator
[xoreaxeaxeax] movfuscator: The single instruction C compiler
ah, that's making the rounds again? :D
Moosadee, jacky, Nuve2 and schmudde joined the channel
[schmarty] yeah and I needed to apply for a production Giphy key and the application criteria weren’t worth it.
hm, you could have an importer for "sticker packs" from various messengers in such a thing
Can you elaborate?
many messengers have reaction images in the form of stickers and you can make and share custom sets of images for that purpose
another source of images for such an app
Ah got it. Indeed!
That is the current posting UI ^
I know I need to work on mobile support haha.
The second form field lets you search for a GIF and you get 10 options.
Building this in vanilla JavaScript has been quite the project.
[aciccarello], timdream, Moosadee and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Haven Reader" https://havenweb.org/2022/01/29/haven-reader.html
P1000[d], tetov-irc, edburns[d] and Moosadee joined the channel