#indieweb 2022-02-13

2022-02-13 UTC
sayanarijit[d], jacky, garrit and [Zeina] joined the channel
Hello 👋 love what the IndieWeb is doing. I'm currently in the (very long) process of putting together my website, I'll drop it when it's up!
[Zeina]: Welcome.... we'd love to see it when you are ready
Thank you! I'm so happy to see this kind of community exists. I spent a lot of time growing up putting together websites, writing on the internet, and reading people's blogs, and thought that cozy part of internet culture had died, until I discovered IndieWeb a few months ago
Seirdy, n8chz, [aciccarello], BinarySavior_, oodani, rvalue, KartikPrabhu, wackycity[d], daiyi[d], indieweb-irc-bri, Nezteb[d], rattroupe[d], Jeremiah[d], shaunix[d], Myst[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], tracydurnell[d], hoenir, capjamesg[d], Murray[d], dovedozen[d], edburns[d], aspenmayer[d], balupton[d], barryf[d], sayanarijit[d] and Christian_Olivie joined the channel
Welcome to the community!
jacky, hans63us[d], Saloframes, MarkJR84[d], corenominal[d], petermolnar, antrdnv[d], marksuth[d], _inky, Seb[d], KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel
Hi all, lovely to meet you all! I found the indieweb wiki around xmas time and I was really excited by what you guys are doing - I love the indieweb philosophy - it so elegantly and succinctly summarises many thoughts I've been pondering about the web over the last few years.
My site is here https://brainsteam.co.uk/ - I'm trying to do KevQ's #100DaysToOffload although I'm already woefully behind
I'm also dogfooding some indieweb inspired publishing software that I guess it'd be more appropriate to talk about in #indieweb-dev :)
I'm in the south of England so I'd love to get along to the london HWC some time
James Ravenscroft
Welcome to the community jamesravey[m]!
The London HWC meeting is held on Wednesday, online, every two weeks. The next one will be later this month. When a new meeting is coming up, it will be added to the IndieWeb Events site (https://events.indieweb.org).
gxt, jeremycherfas and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: I didn’t see one in the calendar and thought the series might have stopped :) was just about to suggest that I host one
doosboox We just met on Wednesday 🙂 You should stop by next time there's a meeting on!
jacky joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: I’ll try!
n8chz joined the channel
doosboox: maybe it is time to revive the Swedish meet-up again, haha
I'd still love for a non-wednesday virtual event :D
because *everyone* puts their events on wednesdays it feels like
P1000[d] joined the channel
Zegnat: there’s been one??
doosboox: yes, in Gothenburg
It never really became selfsustainable with people showing up though. And unless I find one or two more people, I am not likely to start it up again by myself
KartikPrabhu, Moosadee, tetov-irc, _inky, Eddy04[d], kandr3s[m], Phil[m]1234, zblesk[m], jamietanna[m] and sarahd[d] joined the channel