#indieweb 2022-02-22

2022-02-22 UTC
tbbrown, _inky, nertzy, jacky, justAstache, P1000[d], raucao, KartikPrabhu, Moosadee, toastloop, sebbu, Jad, mro, marksuth[d], jjuran, Lugom, schmudde, tetov-irc, Sadale, nicolas1, Eddy04[d], jjuran_, toby3d[d], barnaby, n8chz and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
more of an etiquette question; do people tend to send links from their site to https://archive.org? I've been considering sending one for anything I reply to (not necessarily to every link)
I'd also add an affordance to view the archived link
there's an API to check if a page has been archived at https://archive.org/help/wayback_api.php so I figure I could check first and then show said link (so it's done consentually)
mro joined the channel
(the consent being implied that if it's archived already then it's okay to link it - a direct link could trigger an archive and I'd want to not be the direct link causing that, lol)
I'm trying to figure out what is holding me back from putting my new bookmark system into production for myself. I'm worried about a 40,000 link import.
How do you know when something is 'done'?
jacky: my site maintains an internal HTML-only archive of everything I link to, so I didn’t yet see any need to make use if archive.org. it’d definitely be a cool feature though
(cue Loqi dev warning in 3, 2, 1…)
yeah I think I might file it as a nice-to-have for now
mro and Seirdy joined the channel
GWG: "Art is never finished, only abandoned." - Leonardo da Vinci
mro joined the channel
[snarfed]: Okay, done as in ready for my use, not forever done3
"ready for my use" sounds like an answer then!
jacky and mro joined the channel
[snarfed]: I guess should just finish that backup function just in case it all goes horribly wrong
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Django With Barcode and Qrcode" https://fundor333.com/post/2022/django-with-barcode-and-qrcode/
[jacky] I do across all my sites, didn't think about trying to exclude replies if they link to othe's content
tbbrown, mro, schmudde, KartikPrabhu and rvalue joined the channel
jacky, I send every link to archive org that I attempt to do webmention discovery on. since I'm not caching the link destinations myself (like barnaby), I want to archive stuff as of the moment that I'm publishing a link to it, so if need be in the future I can update my direct link to that archive org link knowing its represents the content as of the time I linked it
gives Loqi an expectant look
Thanks, [tantek]!
alex11, jacky and gRegor joined the channel
Happy Twos-day, indieweb
gRegor: Busy tomorrow
jacky joined the channel
Mention.tech sends both links in a webmention to archive and has a retrieve endpoint too
tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel