#indieweb 2022-02-28

2022-02-28 UTC
kimberlyhirsh[d] and jacky joined the channel
[fluffy] This Tumblr idea is worth exploring. Other than the indieweb wiki, is there a fuller discussion about Tumblr and Indieweb anywhere?
I don’t know. I’m gonna try to open a discussion with Tumblr’s “WIP” folks tomorrow (they only accept questions/submissions on Monday for some reason).
jacky, darkkirb, twinsignal, justAstache, angelo, gxt and mro joined the channel
Yesterday I posted this message: "I'm using Autonomie Theme, based on SemPress. It's fine, but it produces custom post type archives, but I don't use the custom post types. Is there a way to turn off those archives?" I'm now not sure they are custom post types.... I'm talking about the archive that appears as /type/standard/ is that a CPT? Either way, on my site it is identical to the main post archive which could be a problem.
mro and jgee636 joined the channel
Questions like that would be better over in #indieweb-wordpress
mro, jarkad, jamietanna, _inky, jarkad1, jarkad2, schmudde, kloenk, tetov-irc, davy, jacky and Ramon[d] joined the channel; davy left the channel
as a call back to matter I so love when news orgs, especially tech, allow you to follow author feeds, tech is often a first beat for so many journalists, the writing often bad
jarkad, Asaf_Agranat[d], _inky, mro, jacky, [tw2113_Slack_], angelo and justAstache joined the channel
More than a decade ago, @leolaporte explained why he created @TWiT instead of using YouTube/Facebook as his primary platform. He thought it was just bad business to build your house on somebody else's foundation. He was right. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/startup-founder-says-he-lost-his-company-and-100-million-by-relying-on-facebook-sends-chills-down-my-spine-to-watch-others-build-businesses-on-instagram-and-tiktok/ar-AAUiVeY?ocid=msedgntp
JS;DR :-(
was about to say - totally blank! when did msn go full js;dr?
_inky and n8chz joined the channel
Some vague definition of "readable" too. I guess MSN decided that Google (which I think is what 12ft simulates) did not need style
The idea that JS-only pages won't get indexed and show up in search results is outdated. We may need some newer arguments.
Security and privacy apply even more now than they used to.
_inky joined the channel
it's not outdated. see the recent js;dr See Also additions, we see examples all the time
also note that Google Search results also only seemingly index "recent" things now so anything that doesn't make it to the Internet Archive is very much dead to history
@Fluffy - agree. Was on the wrong page. Will take it there.
Moosadee joined the channel
Oh yeah this morning I sent a message to the Tumblr WIP folks asking if they had any IndieWeb plans and explaining why I felt it would be good if they have them. Unfortunately I didn’t think to save a copy before sending it and Tumblr doesn’t let you see your sent messages, which is… silly. But we’ll see if they answer. I’ll definitely keep folks up to date if they do.
Seb[d] joined the channel
[fluffy] ++ awesome! Anything we can do to update https://indieweb.org/Tumblr is probably a good thing
[fluffy] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
One thing I specifically said is that Tumblr is the best-positioned social network for doing this, and that they’re really close to being fully IndieWeb-compatible as it is. And then something about making social media social again. 🙂
This would be so amazing
Also feels much lower risk (more manageable) than say, all of WordPress suddenly adopting Webmention
I know Automattic originally bought Tumblr thinking it’d be a nice little sandbox for things that would eventually inform or integrate with Wordpress
Has Matt Mullenweg ever been directly involved with us?
and/or David Karp, for that matter
[fluffy] I know Matt personally and have had some highlevel chats with him over the years. I have not outright pushed for WordPress to adopt Webmention, for reasons already notedd
yeah I mean honestly having indieweb be a plugin for Wordpress is 100% fine in my book
Wordpress is way too general of a platform to be immediately and indelibly IndieWeb
thinking of a service with tens of millions of users as "nice little sandbox" is an ... interesting sense of scale
or at least a very good step forward to further iterate on building blocks
(plugin vs core)
see also my making it "work smoothly" comment in #indieweb-dev for more protocol talk
I mean that’s also the big power of IndieWeb, that it’s a bunch of stuff that works in concert but is modular and doesn’t need to be all at once.
which is why I’m still positive on IndieWeb but hesitant regarding [redacted to keep Loqi from getting mad]
(this chat has been edited for your safety 🙂 )
IndieWeb has all of th eprotocols but as long as all of the software is itch-scratch, it’ll be very difficult to get wider adoption. Having a big player as a hosted platform would be *huge*.
it would be huge, however, as long as the itches are annoying to a small set of people, it's easy to extrapolate that they'd be even more annoying to a larger set of people (and possibly have even worse effects than we've ever seen before)
12ft gave me a loading GIF, and IA made Firefox burn a core and be unhappy, so DR still applies
barnaby joined the channel
Amazing [fluffy]!
You could bring the IndieWeb to a whole new community on the web.
Well not just you 😂
Maybe relevant to those who attended the IndieWeb reading meetup recently.
"A community-focused, Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads." their tagline is almost the same as ours! 😂
"a people-focused alternative to the corporate web"
timdream joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "SEO Traffic Increases for IndieWeb Reads, Watches, Listens, and other Bookmarked Content" https://boffosocko.com/2022/02/28/seo-traffic-increases-for-indieweb-reads-watches-listens-and-other-bookmarked-content/
Bbn, gxt, Moosadee and tetov-irc joined the channel