#indieweb 2022-03-13

2022-03-13 UTC
ShinyCyril, n8chz, Seirdy, hepphepp[d], Jad, cygnoir[d], The_Tablet, rMdes, mro, dovedozen[d], zerok, tetov-irc, jacky, toby3d[d], capjamesg[d], [snarfed], laker[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], _inky, angelo, alex11, rvalue, mro_, barpthewire, MarkJR84[d], chenghiz_ and [benjaminchait] joined the channel; The_Tablet left the channel
👋 do folks know of any good resources for open graph tags (specifically images)?
trying to troubleshoot a thing where images appear on some providers (like imessages) but not others (like twitter)